In article <Pine.BSF.4.21.0007141956280.95155-100000@overlord.e-gerbil.net>, "Richard A. Steenbergen" <ras@e-gerbil.net> wrote:
I still have not seen a single compelling arguement which says you gain one bit more security by filtering RFC1918-source'd packets. It is useless at best, and disruptive at worst.
No correct configuration will send me packets with a source address from RFC 1918 space. In a correct world, such filters will have no effect. Only packets from the incorrect world will be hit by these filters. As a matter of network policy, I do not wish to speak to incorrect hosts, whatever their intentions. If being unable to connect to MSRL hosts causes people to fix their incorrect configurations, I am pleased. If it causes them to be upset, I am indifferent. The smoothly running Internet is the set of standards-compliant hosts. We must guard against incorrectness with a steady, ruthless, automated hand. -- Shields.
participants (1)
Michael Shields