Re: Hollywood plot: Attack critical infrastructure while President is in town

As Vadim said, it's about display of power. However, I'm not worried about terrorists attacking infrastructure under the cover of Presidential No-Fly Zones; I'm more worried about backhoe drivers named Bubba who didn't call the "Call Before You Dig" number and weren't noticed by cable route overflights because they were grounded while Bush gets his hair cut. On the other hand, that's what diverse cable routes and rapid restoration systems are for, and even with air patrolling of cable routes, there's the occasional Bubba who's checked with the call-before-you-dig people (so the air patrols don't stop him) and makes a mistake about where to dig...

I really hope that no major fiber routes travel through Crawford, TX... ...but a quick search on Google shows that when George W. Bush became president they built fiber services to the ranch... Superior-Essex claims that one of its customers is the United States Secret Service in Crawford, TX Hmmm... Image the resale possibilities of the Crawford Ranch after the presidency? Data Center in Crawford, TX anyone? -Andy --- "Stewart, William C (Bill), RTSLS" <> wrote:
As Vadim said, it's about display of power. However, I'm not worried about terrorists attacking infrastructure under the cover of Presidential No-Fly Zones; I'm more worried about backhoe drivers named Bubba who didn't call the "Call Before You Dig" number and weren't noticed by cable route overflights because they were grounded while Bush gets his hair cut.
On the other hand, that's what diverse cable routes and rapid restoration systems are for, and even with air patrolling of cable routes, there's the occasional Bubba who's checked with the call-before-you-dig people (so the air patrols don't stop him) and makes a mistake about where to dig...

Speaking on Deep Background, the Press Secretary whispered:
I'm more worried about backhoe drivers named Bubba who didn't call the "Call Before You Dig" number and weren't noticed by cable route overflights because they were grounded while Bush gets his hair cut.
I have multiple hair-raising stories about such... One - the patrol place calls in and reports somebody digging by the 10" dia. Magodore line. The crew chief drives the 40 minutes and arrives to find the contractor using a pan {that ungainly looking thing that scoops dirt into its belly; like a wheeled horizontal kangaroo...} atop the line. The previous pass he had taken all the coating off the line and was lining up for another when Harold drove his truck in front of him. This on a line full of gasoline at 600psi. Not only had the developer and the builder ignored all the signs but the city had OK'ed the development, when their plots showed it. People may be PO'ed when a bundle of OC-48's has fade. But hit a petro pipeline and it's 2-1 there will be widows/widowers... -- A host is a host from coast to & no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433 is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433
participants (3)
Andy Ellifson
David Lesher
Stewart, William C (Bill), RTSLS