Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database

The following networks have been added to the NSFNET policy-based routing database: T1 Network: ---------- 32 Milnet networks were moved from 1:184 2:164 to 7:184 8:164, and 26 Milnet networks were moved from 1:164 2:184 to 7:164 8:184 to stay within the 1200 unique metric per T1 NSS limit. Network IP: 129.52 Network Name: WPAFB-LONS Location: Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio 45433, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 136.207 Network Name: WUERZBURG-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 136.210 Network Name: AUGSBURG-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 140.152 Network Name: WILDFLCKN-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 140.201 Network Name: BADKREUZN-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 141.26 Network Name: UKLA Location: Universitaet Koblenz-Landau, Rheinau 3-4, W-5400 Koblenz, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 2:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 3:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 4:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 141.56 Network Name: HFV-D Location: Hochschule fuer Verkehrswesen Dresden, Rechenzentrum, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, D-O-8010 Dresden, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 2:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 3:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 4:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 141.253 Network Name: SUNBIM Location: BIM sa/nv, Kwikstraat, 4, B-3078 Everberg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 3:1238 ICM-NORDUNET Network IP: 147.27 Network Name: TUC Location: Technical University of Crete, GR-731 00 Chania, Crete, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1238 ICM-NORDUNET 4:590 EASInet Regional Network Network IP: 147.35 Network Name: KSRSLTRN-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 147.39 Network Name: CHIEVRES-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 147.43 Network Name: KAERI-NET Location: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daeduk Danji Choongnam, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 147.46 Network Name: NET-SNU Location: Seoul National University, Computer Center, 56-1 Shinrim-Dong Kwanak-Gu, Seoul 151-742, KOREA Country Code: KR 1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 147.102 Network Name: NTUA Location: National Technical University of Athens, GR-157 73 Zografou, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1238 ICM-NORDUNET 4:590 EASInet Regional Network Network IP: 147.228 Network Name: WEBNET Location: University of West Bohemia, Laboratory of Computer Science, SMV LPS, Americka 42, 306-14 Plzen, CZECHOSLOVAKIA Country Code: CS 1:590 EASInet Regional Network Network IP: 148.204 Network Name: IPN-MX Location: Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Unidad Profesional Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Direccion de Estudios Profesionales, Luis Enrique Erro S/N. Mexico, D.F., MEXICO Country Code: MX 1:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 2:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) 3:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 4:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 149.153 Network Name: RTC-CARLOW Location: Regional Technical College Carlow, Co. Carlow, IRELAND Country Code: IE 1:590 EASInet Regional Network Network IP: 150.140 Network Name: PATRASNET Location: Academic & Research Network in the Region of Patras, Computer Technology Institute (CTI); Kolokotroni 3; GR-26221 Patras, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:590 EASInet Regional Network 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 3:1238 ICM-NORDUNET Network IP: 150.183 Network Name: SERI-B Location: REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 151.127 Network Name: EWI Location: Elektrowatt Ingenieurunternehmnungen AG, Bellerivestr. 36, CH-8034, Zuerich, SWITZERLAND Country Code: CH 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 3:1238 ICM-NORDUNET Network IP: 151.148 Network Name: ACT-NET Location: American College Testing, 2255 N. Dubuque Road, Iowa City, IA 52243, USA Country Code: US 1:267 CICNET at UIUC 2:266 CICNET at MERIT 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 155.155 Network Name: BAMBERG-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 155.207 Network Name: GRTHEUN Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-540 06 Thessaloniki, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:590 EASInet Regional Network 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 3:1238 ICM-NORDUNET Network IP: 155.232 Network Name: UNINET-ZA Location: UNINET Project, PO Box 2600, Pretoria 0001 RSA Country Code: ZA 1:701 Alternet 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 20:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 156.147 Network Name: GOLDSTAR-GSNET Location: GoldStar Co. Ltd., 16, Woomyoun-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, 137-140, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 158.193 Network Name: CHEMNET-B1 Location: Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, Technicka 3, 166 28 Praha 6, CZECHOSLOVAKIA Country Code: CS 1:590 EASInet Regional Network Network IP: 160.40 Network Name: TECHPATH Location: Techological Park of Thessaloniki, GR-540 06 Thessaloniki, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:590 EASInet Regional Network 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 3:1238 ICM-NORDUNET Network IP: 161.72 Network Name: IACNET Location: Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, c/ Via Lactea s/n; 38200 La Laguna (Tenerife), SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:590 EASInet Regional Network 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 3:1238 ICM-NORDUNET Network IP: 163.12 Network Name: NLN Location: Navy Aviation Supply Office, Commanding Officer, 700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg. 2, Code 0434, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, USA Country Code: US 1:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 2:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 163.33 Network Name: INTELNET Location: Intel Corporation / Super Computer Interconnect Components, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, M/S CO5-01, Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 20:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 192.53.103 Network Name: PTB-IB-LAN Location: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 2:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 3:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 4:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.67.45 Network Name: PNFI Location: Petawawa National Forestry Institute, Chalk River, Ontario, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:601 CA*net router in Toronto 2:603 CA*net router in Quebec 3:602 CA*net router in Montreal Network IP: 192.86.97 Network Name: WORLDBANK3 Location: The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA Country Code: US 1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park) 2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.100.2 Network Name: KORDI-NET Location: REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.108.33 Network Name: FHT-STGT Location: Fachhochschule fuer Tecnik Stuttgart, Rechenzentrum, Schloss Str. 26, 7000 Stuttgart 1, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 2:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 3:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 4:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.109.14 Network Name: PALLAS-NET Location: PALLAS GmbH, Hermuelheimer Strasse 10, D-W-5400 Bruehl, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 3:1238 ICM-NORDUNET Network IP: 192.132.247 Network Name: CNU-NET1 Location: ChungNam National University, 220 Kung-Dong,Youseong-Ku,Taejeon 305-764, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.133.74 Network Name: MARC1 Location: USDA Meat Animal Research Center, P.O. Box 166, Clay Center, NE 68933, USA Country Code: US 1:93 Midnet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.139.128 Network Name: SASKTEL Location: SaskTel Research and Development, Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:602 CA*net router in Montreal 2:601 CA*net router in Toronto 3:603 CA*net router in Quebec Network IP: 192.139.141 Network Name: DFO Location: Marine Environment Data Service, Fisheries and Oceans, 200 Kent St. #1202, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:601 CA*net router in Toronto 2:603 CA*net router in Quebec 3:602 CA*net router in Montreal Network IP: 192.139.142 Network Name: QL Location: QL Systems, 1 Gore Street, Kingston, Ontario, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:601 CA*net router in Toronto 2:603 CA*net router in Quebec 3:602 CA*net router in Montreal Network IP: 192.139.147 Network Name: SaskOil Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:602 CA*net router in Montreal 2:601 CA*net router in Toronto 3:603 CA*net router in Quebec Network IP: 192.146.186 Network Name: ETOWN Location: Elizabethtown College, One Alpha Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2298, USA Country Code: US 1:1206 PSCNET Regional Network 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.150.175 Network Name: WSCNET1 Location: Wayne State College, 200 E. 10th Street, Wayne, Ne. 68787, USA Country Code: US 1:93 Midnet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.152.226 Network Name: NAVARRO Location: Navarro College, 3200 West &th Ave., Corsicana, TX 75110, USA Country Code: US 1:280 SESQUINET Regional Network 2:114 SESQUINET Regional Network 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.156.228 Network Name: IBRD-IMP-JL Location: The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA Country Code: US 1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park) 2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.157.130 Network Name: Infolan3 Location: Infonet, 2100 E. Grand Ave., Box 1022, El Segundo, CA 90245, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.160.133 Network Name: CTCNET Location: Communications Technology Center, 3860 159th NE, Suite 150,Redmond, WA 98052, USA Country Code: US 1:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 2:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) 3:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 4:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.172.12 Network Name: STRICOM-NET1 Location: STRICOM, ATTN: AMSTI-MA, 12350 Research Parkway, Orlando, FL 32826-3276, USA Country Code: US 1:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 2:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.172.15 Network Name: DIX-EMH1 Location: Directorate of Information Management, DOIM, ATTN: ATZD-IM, P.O. BOX 26, Ft Dix, NJ 08640-5750, USA Country Code: US 1:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 2:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.189.38 Network Name: MAGEE-WOMENS Location: Magee-Womens Hospital, 300 Halket St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3180, USA Country Code: US 1:1206 PSCNET Regional Network 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.189.39 Network Name: MAGEE-WOMEN2 Location: Magee-Womens Hospital, 300 Halket St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3180, USA Country Code: US 1:1206 PSCNET Regional Network 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.190.179 Network Name: TX-LEG-CNCL Location: Texas Legislative Council, P.O. Box 12128, Austin, TX 78711-2128, USA Country Code: US 1:280 SESQUINET Regional Network 2:114 SESQUINET Regional Network 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Total configured T1 networks: 5854 T3 Network: ---------- AS 184 (Milnet FIX-EAST) was added to the T3 database, with 427 primary networks (not listed here). AS 164 (Milnet FIX-West) was added to the T3 database, with 185 primary networks (not listed here). Network IP: 129.52 Network Name: WPAFB-LONS Location: Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio 45433, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 136.207 Network Name: WUERZBURG-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network, Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 136.210 Network Name: AUGSBURG-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network, Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 140.152 Network Name: WILDFLCKN-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 140.201 Network Name: BADKREUZN-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 141.26 Network Name: UKLA Location: Universitaet Koblenz-Landau, Rheinau 3-4, W-5400 Koblenz, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:1324 ANS New York City - DNSS 35 Network IP: 141.56 Network Name: HFV-D Location: Hochschule fuer Verkehrswesen Dresden, Rechenzentrum, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, D-O-8010 Dresden, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:1324 ANS New York City - DNSS 35 Network IP: 147.35 Network Name: KSRSLTRN-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network, Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 147.39 Network Name: CHIEVRES-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network, Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 147.43 Network Name: KAERI-NET Location: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daeduk Danji Choongnam, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet Network IP: 147.46 Network Name: NET-SNU Location: Seoul National University, Computer Center, 56-1 Shinrim-Dong Kwanak-Gu, Seoul 151-742, KOREA Country Code: KR 1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) Network IP: 148.204 Network Name: IPN-MX Location: Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Unidad Profesional Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Direccion de Estudios Profesionales, Luis Enrique Erro S/N. Mexico, D.F., MEXICO Country Code: MX 1:1328 ANS Houston - DNSS 67 Network IP: 150.183 Network Name: SERI-B Location: REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet Network IP: 151.148 Network Name: ACT-NET Location: American College Testing, 2255 N. Dubuque Road, Iowa City, IA 52243, USA Country Code: US 1:267 CICNET at UIUC 2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 155.155 Network Name: BAMBERG-GW1 Location: DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, ATTN: Data Network, Information Center, APO AE 09056, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 155.232 Network Name: UNINET-ZA Location: UNINET Project, PO Box 2600, Pretoria 0001 RSA Country Code: ZA 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet Network IP: 156.147 Network Name: GOLDSTAR-GSNET Location: GoldStar Co. Ltd., 16, Woomyoun-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, 137-140, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet Network IP: 163.12 Network Name: NLN Location: Navy Aviation Supply Office, Commanding Officer, 700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg. 2, Code 0434, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, USA Country Code: 700ROBBINSAVENUUS 1:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 2:184 Milnet (FIX-East) Network IP: 163.33 Network Name: INTELNET Location: Intel Corporation / Super Computer Interconnect Components, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, M/S CO5-01, Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet Network IP: 192.53.103 Network Name: PTB-IB-LAN Location: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:1324 ANS New York City - DNSS 35 Network IP: 192.86.97 Network Name: WORLDBANK3 Location: The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA Country Code: US 1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park) 2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 192.100.2 Network Name: KORDI-NET Location: REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet Network IP: 192.108.33 Network Name: FHT-STGT Location: Fachhochschule fuer Tecnik Stuttgart, Rechenzentrum, Schloss Str. 26, 7000 Stuttgart 1, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:1324 ANS New York City - DNSS 35 Network IP: 192.132.247 Network Name: CNU-NET1 Location: ChungNam National University, 220 Kung-Dong,Youseong-Ku,Taejeon 305-764, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Country Code: KR 1:1740 CERFnet Network IP: 192.133.74 Network Name: MARC1 Location: USDA Meat Animal Research Center, P.O. Box 166, Clay Center, NE 68933, USA Country Code: US 1:93 ENSS 140, Lincoln, Nebraska Network IP: 192.146.186 Network Name: ETOWN Location: Elizabethtown College, One Alpha Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2298, USA Country Code: US 1:204 PSCNET Regional Network 2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network Network IP: 192.150.175 Network Name: WSCNET1 Location: Wayne State College, 200 E. 10th Street, Wayne, Ne. 68787, USA Country Code: US 1:93 ENSS 140, Lincoln, Nebraska Network IP: 192.152.226 Network Name: NAVARRO Location: Navarro College, 3200 West &th Ave., Corsicana, TX 75110, USA Country Code: US 1:280 SESQUINET Regional Network 2:114 SESQUINET Regional Network Network IP: 192.156.228 Network Name: IBRD-IMP-JL Location: The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA Country Code: US 1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park) 2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 192.157.130 Network Name: Infolan3 Location: Infonet, 2100 E. Grand Ave., Box 1022, El Segundo, CA 90245, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.160.133 Network Name: CTCNET Location: Communications Technology Center, 3860 159th NE, Suite 150,Redmond, WA 98052, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.172.12 Network Name: STRICOM-NET1 Location: STRICOM, ATTN: AMSTI-MA, 12350 Research Parkway, Orlando, FL 32826-3276, USA Country Code: US 1:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 2:184 Milnet (FIX-East) Network IP: 192.172.15 Network Name: DIX-EM1 Location: Directorate of Information Management, DOIM, ATTN: ATZD-IM, P.O. BOX 26, Ft Dix, NJ 08640-5750, USA Country Code: US 1:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 2:184 Milnet (FIX-East) Network IP: 192.189.38 Network Name: MAGEE-WOMENS Location: Magee-Womens Hospital, 300 Halket St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3180, USA Country Code: US 1:204 PSCNET Regional Network 2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network Network IP: 192.189.39 Network Name: MAGEE-WOMEN2 Location: Magee-Womens Hospital, 300 Halket St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3180, USA Country Code: US 1:204 PSCNET Regional Network 2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network Network IP: 192.190.179 Network Name: TX-LEG-CNCL Location: Texas Legislative Council, P.O. Box 12128, Austin, TX 78711-2128, USA Country Code: US 1:280 SESQUINET Regional Network 2:114 SESQUINET Regional Network Total configured T3 networks: 4618 The following T3 routers have also been added: AS Number: 164 AS Notes: Milnet (FIX-West) AS Country Code: US ANS: No BkBn: 690 NSS: 140.222.144 - FIX-West NASA Ames, Palo Alto, CA Gate: - Milnet cisco at FIX-West ENSS 144 - Nasa Ames AS Number: 184 AS Notes: Milnet (FIX-East) AS Country Code: US ANS: No BkBn: 690 NSS: 140.222.145 - FIX-East College Park, MD Gate: - College Park, MD AS Number: 1667 AS Notes: SIGGRAPH AS Country Code: US ANS: Yes BkBn: 690 NSS: 140.222.200 - T3 E-NSS #200 -- Shownet ENSS Shownet ENSS Gate: - not available SigGraph Gate: - not available SigGraph ***************************************************************** The configuration reports, map information sheets, and configuration files which reflect these changes are available for anonymous ftp on as usual. nsfnet/announced.networks - configuration reports latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file extension .now - NSFNET T3 has the file extension nsfnet/backbone.configuration - configuration files for the routing software for each NSS latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file format config.nss# - NSFNET T3 has the file extension .t3p Please send all requests for configuration changes to using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line. from the machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files TEMPLATE.NET, TEMPLATE.GATE, and TEMPLATE.AS. ******************************* --Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET --Michael J. O'Neill Merit/NSFNET
participants (1)
Steven K. Widmayer