FYI: UUnet/EUnet transit changes

Several years ago, as could coincidentally be deduced based on items discussed last week, UUnet and EUnet entered into an agreement whereby UUnet would provide transit for EUnet. For historical background, the first agreement between EUnet and "somebody" in the US concerned a 9.6kbps line between a machine called mcvax and a machine called seismo; signed by Piet Beertema, system administrator for mcvax, and Rick Adams, system administrator for seismo. The line was at the time used only for UUCP transport of mail and news, and predated the advent of IP connectivity. Things have grown since then, and by mutual agreement UUnet will be ceasing providing transit for EUnet, with experimental turn-off tomorrow morning, Tuesday August 26th 1997 at 0500 GMT. Nobody should observe any connectivity loss as a result of this. I would like to take this opportunity to thank UUnet and especially Rick Adams for their support over the years. -- ------ ___ --- Per G. Bilse, Director Network Eng & Ops ----- / / / __ ___ _/_ ---- EUnet Communications Services B.V. ---- /--- / / / / /__/ / ----- Singel 540, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, NL --- /___ /__/ / / /__ / ------ tel: +31 20 5305333, fax: +31 20 6224657 --- ------- 24hr emergency number: +31 20 421 0865 --- Connecting Europe since AS286 --- e-mail: bilse at domain
participants (1)
Per Gregers Bilse