Sean Donelan writes: | The joy of single provider service. No, you mean: the joy of a rapacious monopoly with a spineless regulator. BT has successfully stalled opening itself up to competition as required by EU and UK law, by sitting on the local loop. Meanwhile, they themselves are deliberately slow on rolling out modern broadband services (e.g., xDSL) compared to the EU average. In short, the UK is *the* backwater of Europe when it comes to high-speed Internet connectivity -- it is rare to find at all, and when you find it, it's not cheap. That BT's outage affected so many people and organizations is a horrific indictment of the disastrous policy line the regulator has taken, and the incompetence of the government when it comes to promoting its stated aim of increased connectivity for UK residents. The official line is at: http://www.oftel.gov.uk/publications/local_loop/llufacts/llufacts0501.htm Even the OFFICIAL statistics are depressing: Number of fixed lines in the UK: 35 million Number of BT ADSL connections: 50 thousand There are FOUR sites where local loop unbundling can happen, and they are not remotely in the biggest population centres. By comparison: http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t269-s2092106,00.html BT admits that it has only handed over 163 residential lines to other operators By comparison, during last night's election coverage in Denmark, there were 29000 DSL-speed connections to streaming servers operated by one of the main TV operators. Nearly everyone I know in the IT field has DSL at home. Operators are offering low-price SDSL. Unbundling is working. Not only is Denmark a much smaller economy than the UK, it also has some very different geographical challenges: it is made up of 400 islands. Yet, even in areas of relatively low population concentration (esp compared to, for example, London), it is possible to get DSL connectivity provided from at least one operator, and often several (4+). Most EU countries can claim the same sucess as DK. Shame on the UK's government, which is directly responsible for the regulatory environment which deprives a huge percentage of the population from getting better, cheaper service than they get from their expensive, unreliable monopoly called British Telecom! | [BT lost] | of its national IP backbone on Tuesday affecting DSL and Dialup | service across multiple ISPs in the UK. These ISPs had NO CHOICE wrt multihoming. They can thank their government. | According to news | reports, this affected almost all DSL service in the UK. Right, because of the 50000 or so DSL customers in the country, a maximum of *163* are not supplied by BT. | What happened to BT? Is this a unique "feature" of the UK marketplace | or can the same thing happen in the USA? You have evil incumbents in the USA too. Beware. Sean.

On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Alex Bligh wrote:
--On Wednesday, November 21, 2001 9:23 AM -0800 "Sean M. Doran" <smd@clock.org> wrote:
No, you mean: the joy of a rapacious monopoly with a spineless regulator.
Oh Sean's rants are always soooooo much better than mine...
Yes. But I'm more interested in how a provider manages to wipe out their entire national network. That takes talent. I'm sure BT has some clever network engineers, and they could have done it to themselves. On the other hand, BT uses the exact same equipment as US providers and other providers around the world. Is there some latent defect in the vendor gear we all use?

Yes. But I'm more interested in how a provider manages to wipe out their entire national network. That takes talent.
Had this Telstra tech in my Spring Hill CO a while back, he was splicing fibre for a Telstra run into the CO. Merrily tells me how, just yesterday, he's splicing foc 150km north of Brisbane, and woops, gets the main run by accident, isolating 1000's of services... --- Terence C. Giufre-Sweetser +---------------------------------+--------------------------+ | TereDonn Telecommunications Ltd | Phone +61-[0]7-32369366 | | 1/128 Bowen St, SPRING HILL | FAX +61-[0]7-32369930 | | PO BOX 1054, SPRING HILL 4004 | Mobile +61-[0]414-663053 | | Queensland Australia | http://www.tdce.com.au | +---------------------------------+--------------------------+

On Sat, 24 Nov 2001 01:03:41 EST, Terence said:
Had this Telstra tech in my Spring Hill CO a while back, he was splicing fibre for a Telstra run into the CO. Merrily tells me how, just yesterday, he's splicing foc 150km north of Brisbane, and woops, gets the main run by accident, isolating 1000's of services...
So was the incident more like: "<snip><splice><snip><whoops><splice><hope nobody noticed><snip><splice>" or "Well, that 'S' in the circuit number *looked* like a 5. I guess I better drive back out and fix it, huh?" ;)

"Well, that 'S' in the circuit number *looked* like a 5. I guess I better drive back out and fix it, huh?"
5 hour outage, he didn't notice... --- Terence C. Giufre-Sweetser +---------------------------------+--------------------------+ | TereDonn Telecommunications Ltd | Phone +61-[0]7-32369366 | | 1/128 Bowen St, SPRING HILL | FAX +61-[0]7-32369930 | | PO BOX 1054, SPRING HILL 4004 | Mobile +61-[0]414-663053 | | Queensland Australia | http://www.tdce.com.au | +---------------------------------+--------------------------+

"Sean M. Doran" wrote:
Sean Donelan writes:
| The joy of single provider service.
No, you mean: the joy of a rapacious monopoly with a spineless regulator.
[snip] could be worse, we could have an (even more) incompetent rapacious monopoly and *no* regulator. The situation in New Zealand is as follows: ADSL users can pay as much as $NZ199 a month (about $80) for an ASDL connection. After the first 1.5GB of data they then pay an additional 18c per MB! If they have a static IP address they can also expect several "micro-outages" per hour because Telecom NZ are using RIP and don't appear to know how to configure it. http://www.idg.co.nz/webhome.nsf/81476e1c0cf66ad0cc256896007c00e7/07df662a6b... http://www.idg.co.nz/webhome.nsf/UNID/2F7C0A112F35370ECC256B0800747B0F!opend... (apologies for the absurdly long links.) Giles -- ================================================================= Giles Heron Principal Network Architect PacketExchange Ltd. ph: +44 7880 506185 "if you build it they will yawn" =================================================================

Also sprach Sean M. Doran
Sean Donelan writes:
| The joy of single provider service.
No, you mean: the joy of a rapacious monopoly with a spineless regulator.
BellSouth and the FCC and Kentucky Public Service Commission? Oh, you're still talking about BT...sorry.
BT has successfully stalled opening itself up to competition as required by EU and UK law, by sitting on the local loop.
Like BellSouth.
Meanwhile, they themselves are deliberately slow on rolling out modern broadband services (e.g., xDSL) compared to the EU average.
Like BellSouth.
In short, the UK is *the* backwater of Europe when it comes to high-speed Internet connectivity -- it is rare to find at all, and when you find it, it's not cheap.
Like Kentucky.
You have evil incumbents in the USA too. Beware.
Ah...here we're back to talking about BellSouth again. I knew I was right in the first place! :) -- Jeff McAdams Email: jeffm@iglou.com Head Network Administrator Voice: (502) 966-3848 IgLou Internet Services (800) 436-4456
participants (7)
Alex Bligh
Giles Heron
Jeff Mcadams
Sean Donelan