From: Bill Woodcock <woody@zocalo.net> Date: Sep 30, 0:40 Subject: Re: Peering versus Transit
Okay, it's _widely rumored_ that it may be difficult to establish new peering sessions with some large ISPs, at the moment. :-)
From: Avi Freedman <freedman@netaxs.com> Subject: Re: Peering versus Transit Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 18:20:21 -0400 (EDT)
Even those who have steeled themselves to spend the $$$ to build the infrastructure needed may find that Sprint still won't (hasn't) peer(ed) with them. At least that's the claim.
Okay. That's two people with the rumor. But that rumor's been around for a long while. If you are a provider who has DS3 connectivity into 3 (widely-separated) high-level exchange points (eg., MAE-E, MAE-W, PB-NAP, AADS-NAP, or Sprint NAP) *and* you have been unable to get peering with a "major" NSP (eg., Sprint, MCI, UUNet, PSI, Netcom, AGIS) please mail me. I'm making a list. In your mail, tell me which exchange points you were at when the request was made and the outcome (denied, ignored, forwarded to lawyer hell). I will accept stories from entities that don't quite meet those requirements, if they are convincing (eg., "We're at MAE-W and MAE-E and LINX and we're in Germany and we think this oughta be enough") This list isn't going to be used to go sue people. It is because I (and several others, I'm sure) are tired of seeing these rumors without any data behind them. -matthew kaufman matthew@scruz.net ps. please let me know whether or not I can name you and/or your network should this get distributed in any way.
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