Re: The Gorgon's Knot. Was: Re: Verio Peering Question

| Other providers never adopted filters, Sprint has since dropped its | filters. The Internet is still growing. Verio adopted filters. It is Verio's use of these filters which triggered tonight's whine-fest. | It even continued to grow faster because Sprint couldn't control its | own route announcements. You are confusing exponential post-filter growth of the global routing table (for which there is negative evidence) with exponential post-filter exponential growth of the number of things reachable through the Internet. I will not claim a causal relationship. However, it'd be nice if there were evidence that the constrained growth the first of enabled or at least increased the growth of the other, since that was the entire goal in the first place. | Its difficult to view the act as altruistic, when in the face of | impending doom, Sprint could always afford new routers, had deployed many, and was in the process of a defensive upgrade which would have meant the problem would never have occurred in the first place. Doom was never going to happen all at once, except to regional/national networks that did not/could not upgrade their routers in time. However, as noted by others, unconstrained growth would have made the Internet impossibly expensive to remain as dynamic as it was then and is today. | But perhaps we didn't recognize the behavior as a cry | for help. Well, you were either stupid or blind. | Much like and addict, it couldn't stop itself from prostituting "prostituting" | Many a politician and religious leader has condemned the | sinner, only to be found in bed with the sinner themselves. "sinner" by implication philanderer | A hypocritic condemns others for what he does himself. I call people names too, but my chosen epithets are both on-target and deserved. Sean. PS: | If you really believed the Internet was facing immenient doom, why | not also save it by also filtering the outbound announcements. Why | engage in the very behaivor your condemnded? This was answered at least twice earlier tonight. Blind or stupid? You tell me.
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