looking for suggestions on a PD work ticketing system to give to ISPs

In my CIX work I have identified the need to provide a public domain or otherwise freely redistributable work ticketing system. Since many of the people using this will be ISPs, I thought I would ask this group for any recommendations that people may have on this, I hope this message isn't to far afield of what the list is for. Please send all responses/flames just to me. Thanks, Jerry

In my CIX work I have identified the need to provide a public domain or otherwise freely redistributable work ticketing system. Since many of the people using this will be ISPs, I thought I would ask this group for any recommendations that people may have on this,
I hope this message isn't to far afield of what the list is for.
Please send all responses/flames just to me.
Is there a real problem with the NearNet TT system that Dan Long wrote? -- --bill

In my CIX work I have identified the need to provide a public domain or otherwise freely redistributable work ticketing system. Since many of the people using this will be ISPs, I thought I would ask this group for any recommendations that people may have on this,
I hope this message isn't to far afield of what the list is for.
Please send all responses/flames just to me.
Is there a real problem with the NearNet TT system that Dan Long wrote?
Dan's set of forms is really nice, but it needs Informix to run. Informix is a comercial product that isn't freely redistributable. Erik

In my CIX work I have identified the need to provide a public domain or otherwise freely redistributable work ticketing system. Since many of the people using this will be ISPs, I thought I would ask this group for any recommendations that people may have on this,
I hope this message isn't to far afield of what the list is for.
Please send all responses/flames just to me.
Is there a real problem with the NearNet TT system that Dan Long wrote?
-- --bill
Other than requiring an Oracle (Ingress?) database server, nothing at all. I've been very impressed, from a client side, with that system for years. Of course, Dan used to be my landlord, so I may be biased. I did talk with Dan about using his system awhile back and he mentioned that it had some oddities in it that made him reluctant to encourage anyone else to use it. Unfortunately, I do not recall any more of the details of that conversation. -David

We're using Gnats at several client sites. We've also found a WWW front end to it that makes it a bit more useful. Gnats is at prep.ai.mit.edu and wwwgnats you'll have to go searching for. -David
In my CIX work I have identified the need to provide a public domain or otherwise freely redistributable work ticketing system. Since many of the people using this will be ISPs, I thought I would ask this group for any recommendations that people may have on this,
I hope this message isn't to far afield of what the list is for.
Please send all responses/flames just to me.
Thanks, Jerry

The request was to reply to you directly, but I'm CCing the list, because it would be hard to find a better forum for this question. (Anything but IP address allocation polcies...) I'll testify to the need, but will tell you, that I don't believe such as beast exists. A couple of ticketing systems exists and have been mentioned. The ones I've looked at including gnats and others, were nearly useless for my company as an ISP, much less as a more general solution for ISPs in general. Unfortunately a number of the key issues, with respect to a Internet wide trouble management system, are unsolved, except in limited fashions withs respect to academic work or in restricted enviroments, i.e. corporate. The software we use in house is not ready for public consumption Some of our general requirements that are going into our system are: Open Standards: Should not require any specific database system. Integrate into existing work environment: provide email and WWW interface into system. Provide several different levels of authentication for creation, assignmnet, updatings, and closing of issues. The issues we are looking at, but not requiring for or system include: provide for ticket creation by other NOCs automation tools for diagnostics For some of us at least, it would be really handy to have detailed and specific trouble information passed in a common format, such that both NOCs don't have to duplicate the effort. I would be very interested in discussing any existing or proposed systems either in email or at NANOG.
In my CIX work I have identified the need to provide a public domain or otherwise freely redistributable work ticketing system. Since many of the people using this will be ISPs, I thought I would ask this group for any recommendations that people may have on this,
I hope this message isn't to far afield of what the list is for.
Please send all responses/flames just to me.
Thanks, Jerry
-- Jeremy Porter, Freeside Communications, Inc. jerry@fc.net PO BOX 80315 Austin, Tx 78708 | 1-800-968-8750 | 512-339-6094 http://www.fc.net

I have looked at a Problem/Ticket Tracking database with an integrated suite of tools that seems to hold some promise. It's Tower Concept's Razor Suite. You can get more info from: http://www.tower.com/index_razor.html
From the page:
"The issues program could be considered the heart of the Razor package. It's a highly configurable problem tracking system, wherein locally defined problem forms present themselves on screen as X Windows, employing text fields, text windows, check boxes, choices, etc, for whatever information is important to your work." The last time I checked there was a demo version available. Regards, Barry Senior Internet Engineer Mikrotec Internet Services, Inc.

Jerry Scharf has written:
In my CIX work I have identified the need to provide a public domain or otherwise freely redistributable work ticketing system. Since many of the people using this will be ISPs, I thought I would ask this group for any recommendations that people may have on this,
I hope this message isn't to far afield of what the list is for.
One nice package I've come across is called Req. Here is part of the intro blurb: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Req - An email-based request tracking system Overview ======== Req is a tracking system based around this paradigm: people with problems or questions send requests via email to a group responsible for dealing with those issues. Those requests are assigned numbers that can be tracked and managed in various ways. The group handling the requests needs to have access to a UNIX computer or network. Req was designed for a systems administration group but could be applied to other groups as well. [...] Feedback ======== If you have any comments or questions, please send them to: req@ccs.neu.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bob Kupiec (N3MML) Phone: 1-609-897-7300 GES, Inc. (JvNCnet) Systems Engineering Fax : 1-609-897-7310 3 Independence Way Email: kupiec@jvnc.net http://www.jvnc.net/~kupiec Princeton, NJ 08540
participants (7)
Barry L James
Bob Kupiec
David Kovar
Erik Sherk
Jeremy Porter