Say, whatever happened to the wonderful patent pending tool from Priori (see below) which will fix all the horrible problems with BGP with its broken blahs and prepending traffic to places and obviously very difficult to use terminology? I'm sure many people are interested in such an operational tool, and it's now even topical, given the discussion revolves around BGP's path selection as it relates to operators. Sean. - -- | So, in many cases shortcuts are | taken such as prepend all of so and so's traffic through connection A, or, | perhaps in your case, prefer connection A for /16 blocks or larger, and B | for smaller... ... | What you really need is a cut and paste of a few sho ip bgp blahs and sho | ip route blahs.... - --
From: "Robert L. Shearing" <robert@priori.net> Subject: Re: hmm..wierd shit at priori Message-Id: <> Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 19:16:56 -0800
Subsequently Priori hired a CTO, Chris Icide, who invented a routing technology that allow Priori to blow out the competition in routing performance. ...
From: "Robert L. Shearing" <robert@priori.net> Subject: Re: hmm..wierd shit at priori Date: Sun, 01 Feb 1998 22:51:01 -0800 Message-Id: <>
Second, we agreed that the way BGP-4 determines path selection is primitive almost to the point of stupidity.
Chris invented a dynamic and robust new routing technology, not yet officially announced, that is far smarter than BGP-4. We believe this technology will give Priori a substantial performance edge over all other National Internet Backbones, including Savvis, by June, 1998. Indeed, we believe this technology will all but eliminate 404 (Cannot reach that destination) errors for customers of the Company. This technology is now patent pending. ... There you have it. The Special Report on how Priori ran into some technical glitches early on, overcame them and then became the industry performance leader in a period of eight months. ... Robert L. Shearing voice: +1-650-482-2840 President/CEO fax: +1-650-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. http://www.priori.net
participants (1)
Sean M. Doran