Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database

The following networks have been added to the NSFNET policy-based routing database: T1 Network: ---------- Network IP: 130.137 Network Name: DATAPOINT Location: Brussels Development Centre, Rue de la Fusee, 100 - B13, B-1130 Brussels, BELGIUM Country Code: US 1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network 2:1700 SESQUINET Regional Network 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 137.94 Network Name: RMC Location: Royal Military College, Computing Services, Royal Military College, GB222a, Kingston, Ontario, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:601 CA*net router in Toronto 2:602 CA*net router in Montreal 3:603 CA*net router in Quebec Network IP: 157.197 Network Name: SAITNET Location: Samsung Group Research Center , Kyung-Ki Do,Republic of Korea. KR Country Code: KR 1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 157.206 Network Name: NET-MMDNET Location: Marion Merrill-Dow, 9680 Marion Park Dr., Kansas City, MO 64137, USA Country Code: US 1:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 2:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 10:266 CICNET at MERIT 11:267 CICNET at UIUC Network IP: 192.75.186 Network Name: innovus1 Location: Innovus Inc., Innovus Inc., Suite 204, 200 James St. Souta, Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:601 CA*net router in Toronto 2:602 CA*net router in Montreal 3:603 CA*net router in Quebec Network IP: 192.92.144 Network Name: INESCC Location: INESC/Coimbra, NESC-Lx, R. Alves Redol, 9, P-1000, Lisboa, PORTUGAL Country Code: PT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-FIX-E 3:1238 ICM-NORDUNET Network IP: 192.102.15 Network Name: CPI Location: Computational Physics, 4115 Annandale Road, Suite 202 Annandale, VA 22003, USA Country Code: US 1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.124.250 Network Name: SOCMPI Location: MPI f. Gesellschaftsforschung, Lothringerstr. 78, D-W-5000 Koeln, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.150.108 Network Name: NET-VTC1 Location: VideoTelcom, 1901 West Braker Lane, Austin, TX 78758, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.150.147 Network Name: OKGEOSURVEY1 Location: Oklahoma Geological Survey Observatory, Box 8, Leonard, OK 74043-0008, USA Country Code: US 1:93 Midnet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.150.170 Network Name: PACBELL10 Location: Pacific Bell, 2600 Camino Ramon, San Ramon, CA, 94583, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNET Regional Network 2:201 BARRNet Regional Network 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.159.3 Network Name: NETCOM18 Location: Netcomm On-line Communication Services, 4000 Moorpark Ave., Suite 209, San Jose, CA 95117, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNET Regional Network 2:201 BARRNet Regional Network 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Total configured T1 networks: 5586 T3 Network: ---------- Network IP: 130.137 Network Name: DATAPOINT Location: Brussels Development Centre, Rue de la Fusee, 100 - B13, B-1130 Brussels, BELGIUM Country Code: US 1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network 2:1700 SESQUINET Regional Network Network IP: 157.197 Network Name: SAITNET Location: Samsung Group Research Center , Kyung-Ki Do,Republic of Korea, KR Country Code: KR 1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) Network IP: 157.206 Network Name: NET-MMDNET Location: Marion Merrill-Dow, 9680 Marion Park Dr., Kansas City, MO 64137, USA Country Code: US 1:600 OARNET, Cleveland, OH 2:266 CICNET at MERIT 3:267 CICNET at UIUC Network IP: 192.102.15 Network Name: CPI Location: Computational Physics, 4115 Annandale Road, Suite 202, Annandale, VA 22003, USA Country Code: US 1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.150.108 Network Name: NET-VTC1 Location: VideoTelcom, 1901 West Braker Lane, Austin, TX 78758, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.150.147 Network Name: OKGEOSURVEY1 Location: Oklahoma Geological Survey Observatory, Box 8, Leonard, OK 74043-0008, USA Country Code: US 1:93 ENSS 140, Lincoln, Nebraska Network IP: 192.150.170 Network Name: PACBELL10 Location: Pacific Bell, 2600 Camino Ramon, San Ramon, CA, 94583, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.159.3 Network Name: NETCOM18 Location: Netcomm On-line Communication Services, 4000 Moorpark Ave., Suite 209, San Jose, CA 95117 USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Total configured T3 networks: 3724 ***************************************************************** The configuration reports, map information sheets, and configuration files which reflect these changes are available for anonymous ftp on as usual. nsfnet/announced.networks - configuration reports latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file extension .now - NSFNET T3 has the file extension nsfnet/backbone.configuration - configuration files for the routing software for each NSS latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file format config.nss# - NSFNET T3 has the file extension .t3p Please send all requests for configuration changes to using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line. from the machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files TEMPLATE.NET, TEMPLATE.GATE, and TEMPLATE.AS. ******************************* --Michael O'Neill --B. Sue Blair
participants (1)
Michael J. O'Neill