Dear Hank, Sorry for the delay, I am not on the nanog list anymore (it's hard enough to follow naipr ;-) Just to correct this: Fortunately you were not the first one who returned an AS number. Since we have many hostmasters working at the RIPE NCC the particular hostmaster you dealt with might not have been aware of this. We even make regular surveys to find out if networks are multihomed. Some people then realise that they don't need an AS number and return it. And the procedure is really easy: You just inform us that you don't need the numbers anymore and we take appropriate action. We are always happy to take AS numbers or address space back. Don't hesitate :-) Kind Regards, Mirjam Kuehne Manager Registraton Services RIPE NCC * -------- Forwarded Message * * Return-Path: owner-nanog@merit.edu * Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 07:36:48 +0200 (IST) * From: Hank Nussbacher <hank@ibm.net.il> * To: Paul A Vixie <paul@vix.com> * cc: nanog@merit.edu * Subject: Re: Class "B" forsale (fwd) * In-Reply-To: <199703110044.QAA22923@wisdom.home.vix.com> * Message-ID: <Pine.A32.3.95-heb-2.07.970311073419.71061F-100000@rex.ibm.net. * il> * MIME-Version: 1.0 * Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII * Sender: owner-nanog@merit.edu * Status: RO * * On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Paul A Vixie wrote: * * > > Yes, I know many (David and Geoff:-)) are probably calling me Pollyanna * > > right about now and it is true that most companies won't return it * > > if they think they can sell it. But I think having a procedure in * > > place to at least begin reclaiming addresses from those organizations * > > that are no longer in business can only help matters. * > * > I personally oversaw the return of four /16's recently, so I, at least, * > do not consider this to be Pollyannaism. * > * * When I returned an ASN 2 months ago to RIPE, I asked what the procedure * was to deallocate an AS object and return it to the pool of available * numbers. I was told there was no procedure since I was the first. :-) * * Hank Nussbacher * * * -------- End of Forwarded Message
participants (1)
Mirjam Kuehne