Re: Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure (fwd)

To all I received yesterday morning from Mr. Montaigne Marcelin, Director of Conatel the aid that has been given by Codetel to help the technicians in the Telecommunications sector: 1. 9 packs of rice 60 Kg 2. 2 packs of beans 60 Kg 3. 2 containers of oil 30 pounds each 4. 4 herring boxes 5. 354 containers of pica pica 6. 2 boxes of plastic spoon 7. 110 packs of water 8. 4 boxes of polystyrene plate 9. 2 packs of maggi 10. 1 pack of salt 11. 4 boxes of tomato pasta 12. 3 rations of bananas 13. 7 packs of spaghetti 14. 4 gallons of hot sauce The distribution of this aid is being coordinated by Napoleon Richard (509-3746-5849) an associates member of the board of AHTIC. This aid is provided to support the needy technicians families while they are making themselves available to work, Thanks to Mr. Edwin San Roman from CODETEL and all of you on the NANOG list that has been pushing for that. Regards Reynold Guerrier Treasurer AHTIC Network Engineer 509-3446-0099 On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Edwin S. Roman <>wrote:
Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Claro Dominicana ------------------------------ *From: * Reynold Guerrier <> *Date: *Sat, 23 Jan 2010 19:47:09 -0400 *To: *Edwin S. Roman<> *Subject: *Re: Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure (fwd)
See you in 1 hour.
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 6:48 PM, Edwin S. Roman <>wrote:
I am in the embassy
Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Claro Dominicana ------------------------------ *From: * Reynold Guerrier <> *Date: *Sat, 23 Jan 2010 19:26:32 -0400 *To: *Edwin S. Roman<> *Subject: *Re: Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure (fwd)
Hi Edwin I just got your message where can we meet?
On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Edwin S. Roman <>wrote:
I am in haiti. Can you contact me
Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Claro Dominicana ------------------------------ *From: * Reynold Guerrier <> *Date: *Fri, 22 Jan 2010 19:33:46 -0400 *To: *Burton, K Joseph<> *Cc: *Edwin S. Roman<>; Steven G. Huter<>; Lett, Steven W<>; Garrity, Wendy SMaj USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-ES (L)<>; McLaughlin,Anydrew J.<>; Ferguson, David (ODP/OD)<>; Huang, Zheng (ODP/OD)<>; Ross,Alec J<>; Vint Cerf<>; Jose Dominguez<> *Subject: *Re: Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure (fwd)
I just got Allen on the phone one more time. He let me know that it was a problem with the power supply of this particular OC3. So they just switch to a backup one.
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Burton, K Joseph <>wrote:
Reynold and/or Edwin, could you please advise of what the problem is?
Joe Burton, U.S. Department of State,
( Detailed to the U.S. Haiti Telecom Task Force)
*From:* Reynold Guerrier [] *Sent:* Friday, January 22, 2010 4:55 PM
*To:* Edwin S. Roman *Cc:* Steven G. Huter; Burton, K Joseph; Lett, Steven W; Garrity, Wendy S Maj USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-ES (L); McLaughlin, Anydrew J.; Ferguson, David (ODP/OD); Huang, Zheng (ODP/OD); Ross, Alec J; Vint Cerf; Jose Dominguez *Subject:* Re: Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure (fwd)
I just got Allen Bayard on the phone, he told me he is aware of the problem. He just arrived in Boutillers Hill he is in touch with Jeremy from CODETEL. He can be reached at 509-3701-7777.
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Reynold Guerrier <> wrote:
Let me call you.
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Edwin S. Roman <> wrote:
Reynold :
We need support urgent in Botellier.
I am writing you inmediatelly with the details
*From:* Reynold Guerrier [] *Sent:* Friday, January 22, 2010 5:35 PM *To:* Edwin S. Roman *Cc:* Steven G. Huter; Burton, K Joseph; Lett, Steven W; Garrity, Wendy S Maj USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-ES (L); McLaughlin, Anydrew J.; Ferguson, David (ODP/OD); Huang, Zheng (ODP/OD); Ross, Alec J; Vint Cerf; Jose Dominguez *Subject:* Re: Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure (fwd)
HI Edwin
I just talk to Mr. Montaigne Marcelin, he told me that the aid is being coordinated and will be distributed on Sunday. He will let me know the exact hour.
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Edwin S. Roman <> wrote:
Dear Reynold:
I am back tomorrow in Haiti, we keep in touch and coordinate the delivery of the fuel.
*From:* Reynold Guerrier [] *Sent:* Friday, January 22, 2010 3:35 PM *To:* Edwin S. Roman *Cc:* Steven G. Huter; Burton, K Joseph; Lett, Steven W; Garrity, Wendy S Maj USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-ES (L); McLaughlin, Anydrew J.; Ferguson, David (ODP/OD); Huang, Zheng (ODP/OD); Ross, Alec J; Vint Cerf; Jose Dominguez
*Subject:* Re: Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure (fwd)
HI Edwin
I was at the embassy this morning. There was nobody to get me the fuel. Montaigne is unreachable on the phone.
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Edwin S. Roman <> wrote:
Dear Reynold:
Have you pick up the fuel from de Dominicanan Embassy?
Have you contact Marcelin Montagne for the food?
I am in Dominican republic now.
-----Original Message----- From: Reynold Guerrier []
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 2:00 PM To: Steven G. Huter Cc: Burton, K Joseph; Lett, Steven W; Garrity, Wendy S Maj USMC USSOUTHCOM/SC-ES (L); McLaughlin, Anydrew J.; Ferguson, David (ODP/OD); Huang, Zheng (ODP/OD); Edwin S. Roman; Ross, Alec J; Vint Cerf; Jose Dominguez Subject: Re: Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure (fwd)
Yes Steve
Still waiting.
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Steven G. Huter <> wrote:
A plea to all copied in this message...
Reynold has written from Haiti this morning to say that they are still in need of food and water for the Haitian Internet and communications technicians, and their families. If they have to spend all of their time trying to find food, they cannot work on restoring the critical communications infrastructure so that the rest of the relief and rebuilding efforts can be more efficient and effective.
We know there are efforts, but Reynold says it has been to chaotic for them to do anything other than wait in long lines for one meal at a time.
Can someone from State Dept or USAID or Indotel please get in touch directly with Reynold to coordiante delivering a supply of food to the Haitian techs ?
Below Reynold ask for enough food so they can have a supply to keep and consume for a few days at a time, so they can work and not worry about finding food each day.
Thanks to all who are helping in many ways
Steve Huter, NSRC
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 08:02:09 -0800 From: Reynold Guerrier <> To: Steven G. Huter <> Subject: Re: Daily Industry and Government call for Commuinications infrastructure
Merci Steve
J'ai vu l'offre de Edwin et j'avais fait chercher de la nourriture pour les techniciens hier. Mais la distribution de cette aide est tres cahotique et les gens perdent beaucoup de temps pour l'avoir. En plus ils fournissent de la nourriture toute cuite au jour le jour. Ce qui demande aux techniciens de laisser leur poste et d'aller faire la queue pendant de longues heures. Ce qui revient a la meme chose que j'essaie d'eviter.
Ce serait plus interessant de leur donner des choses qu'ils peuvent conserver et consommer en temps et lieu.
Sur le terrain, le moral est bon et avec votre aide on gardera le reseau en vie.
On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, Reynold Guerrier wrote:
Good Dave
We'll keep in touch and I will let you. My big concerns now is to have food, water, tents for my technicians and their families. To keep them on site and we need to provide them the basic needs for themselves and their families. As things are getting worse they might wanna go to take care of their families. All you can provide will be good.
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Ferguson, David (ODP/OD) <> wrote:
Stephane and Reynold,
I expect you are plugged in to these calls but just in case. There is a daily call with Government and Industry that is focused on needs of service providers in Haiti that you and others have. Logistics for transport of equipment, fuel and other key needs are covered. If you have anything you can provide in writing as Andrew requests below that is great but don't let a need go unnoticed if undocumented. Get it brought up on this call.
2pm EDT 800-882-3610, code 8339656#
Dave Ferguson Director - Global Development Commons
office 202-712-4252 mobile 703-625-6868 web site:
------------------------------ *From:* Andrew McLaughlin [mailto:] *Sent:* Monday, January 18, 2010 11:15 PM *To:*;; Ferguson, David (ODP/OD) *Cc:* Steven G. Huter; Jose A. Dominguez; Andrew McLaughlin *Subject:* Introduction: USAID
Stephane and Reynold:
First, please know that my thoughts are with you and your families; I fervently hope that your loved ones are OK.
Second, I want to introduce you to Dave Ferguson from USAID. He is responsible for matching Internet/telecom/IT needs with resources and support from the US. To do that, we need to know what needs / requirements / requests the Haitian ISPs and IXP have. Please let us know what your needs are, and we will do whatever we can to find ways to meet them. We'd like to help Multilink, as well as Access Haiti and the other Haitian ISPs. I would assume that there are at least three needs: (1) additional backhaul in/out of Haiti, via VSAT or similar, (2) last-mile wireless access points and receivers, and (3) routing/switching hardware, fuel, etc.
Third, did the fuel successfully arrive at Boutillier Hill?
-- andrew mclaughlin +1.202.525.6515
-- =================================== Reynold Guerrier IT Consultant 509-3446-0099 IM: Skype: reygji
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-- =================================== Reynold Guerrier IT Consultant 509-3446-0099 IM: Skype: reygji
-- =================================== Reynold Guerrier IT Consultant 509-3446-0099 IM: Skype: reygji
-- =================================== Reynold Guerrier IT Consultant 509-3446-0099 IM: Skype: reygji
participants (1)
Reynold Guerrier