Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database

The following additions have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00 EST: Total configured networks: 9582 IP address Net name Country Date Priority:AS ---------- -------- ------- ---- ----------- 132.215 UQAR-IP-NET C:CA D:02/24/93 1:603 2:1391 3:602 11:1393 12:601 133.164 FUJITSU2 C:US D:02/25/93 1:200 2:201 134.216 GULFAERO C:US D:02/25/93 1:555 138.48 FUNDP-AC-BE C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 138.132 ITALTEL C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 141.67 UNI-ERL-MED C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 142.5 TCPL C:CA D:02/24/93 1:602 2:603 3:1391 12:1393 13:601 142.97 DOEWAN1 C:CA D:02/25/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 142.155 SLCSL C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 142.156 CONESTOGA C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 142.206 STATSCAN C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 142.219 COQUITLAM C:CA D:02/24/93 1:602 2:1391 3:603 12:601 13:1393 143.213 FTRICHAR-NET C:US D:02/25/93 1:19 2:568 143.214 FTWAINWR-NET C:US D:02/25/93 1:19 2:568 151.89 ANSALDO C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 151.90 ESERCITO C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 151.210 FINGERHUT C:US D:02/25/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266 4:555 155.15 ALTA-ENV C:CA D:02/24/93 1:602 2:603 3:1391 12:1393 13:601 161.30 INMARSATLAN C:GB D:02/24/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 4:1800 162.106 COFEDMONTON C:CA D:02/24/93 1:602 2:603 3:1391 12:1393 13:601 163.13 TANET-B13 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.14 TANET-B14 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.15 TANET-B15 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.16 TANET-B16 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.17 TANET-B17 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.18 TANET-B18 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.19 TANET-B19 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.20 TANET-B20 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.21 TANET-B21 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.22 TANET-B22 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.23 TANET-B23 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.24 TANET-B24 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.25 TANET-B25 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.26 TANET-B26 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.27 TANET-B27 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.28 TANET-B28 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.29 TANET-B29 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.30 TANET-B30 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.31 TANET-B31 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 163.32 TANET-B32 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 164.81 FNET-UNILIM-B C:FR D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 192.41.172 CSPI C:US D:02/25/93 1:560 2:281 5:701 192.44.81 REVUE-81 C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.44.86 REVUE-86 C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.44.87 REVUE-87 C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.44.88 REVUE-88 C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.44.89 REVUE-89 C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.44.90 REVUE-90 C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.84.27 CMIS C:AT D:02/25/93 1:701 2:1800 192.93.171 GERII C:FR D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 192.104.171 AMERIDATA C:US D:02/25/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266 4:555 192.106.207 INTECS-RM C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.208 INTECS-NA C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.209 INTECS-PI C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.210 INTECS2IUNET C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.213 SAD-NET C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.214 ALENIA2IUNET C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.217 DELPHI C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.219 CRCC C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.220 CILME C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.221 ALENIA-RM C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.223 SEM-MI C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.224 SEM-MO C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.106.225 SEM-RM C:IT D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:701 192.122.193 CA*NET_AT_JVNC C:US D:02/25/93 1:603 2:1393 192.129.10 UNI-ERL-NORTH C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.129.11 UNI-ERL-SOUTH C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.129.12 UNI-ERL-EAST C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.129.13 UNI-ERL-WEST C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.129.14 UNI-ERL-CITY C:DE D:02/26/93 1:293 2:291 192.134.23 UBO-RECH C:FR D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 192.134.24 UBO-GEST C:FR D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 192.135.66 MFLTD1 C:GB D:02/24/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 4:1800 192.139.200 HYPROTECH C:CA D:02/24/93 1:602 2:603 3:1391 12:1393 13:601 192.139.224 CAMBRIAN C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 192.139.231 CHEO C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 192.139.237 LOYALISTC C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 192.139.245 CANADOREC C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 192.146.242 UNIVCA C:IT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 192.154.43 NCSSM-NET C:US D:02/25/93 1:81 2:1327 192.161.36 BOEING-29 C:US D:02/25/93 1:685 2:73 3:101 192.164.44 WEILAND-NET C:AT D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 192.187.168 NETBLK-NETCOM168 C:US D:02/25/93 1:200 2:201 192.188.14 GI C:US D:02/25/93 1:93 192.188.230 SUNYERIE-1 C:US D:02/25/93 1:174 192.192.1 TANET-C1 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.2 TANET-C2 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.3 TANET-C3 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.4 TANET-C4 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.5 TANET-C5 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.6 TANET-C6 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.7 TANET-C7 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.8 TANET-C8 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.9 TANET-C9 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.10 TANET-C10 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.11 TANET-C11 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.12 TANET-C12 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.13 TANET-C13 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.14 TANET-C14 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.15 TANET-C15 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.16 TANET-C16 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.17 TANET-C17 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.18 TANET-C18 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.19 TANET-C19 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.20 TANET-C20 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.21 TANET-C21 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.22 TANET-C22 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.23 TANET-C23 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.24 TANET-C24 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.25 TANET-C25 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.26 TANET-C26 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.27 TANET-C27 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.28 TANET-C28 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.29 TANET-C29 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.30 TANET-C30 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.31 TANET-C31 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.32 TANET-C32 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.33 TANET-C33 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.34 TANET-C34 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.35 TANET-C35 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.36 TANET-C36 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.37 TANET-C37 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.38 TANET-C38 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.39 TANET-C39 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.40 TANET-C40 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.41 TANET-C41 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.42 TANET-C42 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.43 TANET-C43 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.44 TANET-C44 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.45 TANET-C45 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.46 TANET-C46 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.47 TANET-C47 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.48 TANET-C48 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.49 TANET-C49 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.192.50 TANET-C50 C:TW D:02/26/93 1:97 192.197.20 BUNYIP C:CA D:02/24/93 1:603 2:1391 3:602 11:1393 12:601 192.197.54 DURHAMC C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 192.197.88 ALGONQUIN1 C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 192.197.90 SAULTC C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 192.197.121 NORTH-POLE C:CA D:02/24/93 1:603 2:1391 3:602 11:1393 12:601 192.197.148 FLEMINGC C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 192.197.205 CLARKEINST C:CA D:02/24/93 1:1391 2:602 3:603 11:601 13:1393 192.204.11 CLARIT C:US D:02/25/93 1:204 2:1206 192.216.60 BARRNET-216-6 C:US D:02/25/93 1:200 2:201 192.233.36 VPHARM-1 C:US D:02/25/93 1:560 2:281 5:701 192.245.61 MARMOT-NET C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 193.50.224 FR-UNIVPAU2 C:FR D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.50.225 FR-UNIVPAU3 C:FR D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.12 LUC-NET1 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.13 LUC-NET2 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.14 LUC-NET3 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.15 LUC-NET4 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.16 LUC-NET5 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.17 LUC-NET6 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.18 LUC-NET7 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.19 LUC-NET8 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.20 LUC-NET9 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.53.21 LUC-NET10 C:BE D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.59.1 PLDPOLIP1 C:PL D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.59.40 PLDPOLIP2 C:PL D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.59.42 PLDPOLIP3 C:PL D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.59.43 PLDPOLIP4 C:PL D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:513 193.72.202 XEROX-CH-C1 C:CH D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 193.80.12 TC-NET C:AT D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 193.80.13 TC-NET2 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 193.80.14 TC-NET3 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 193.80.15 TC-NET4 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 193.80.16 TC-NET5 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 193.80.17 TC-NET6 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 193.80.18 TC-NET7 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 193.80.19 TC-NET8 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:701 2:1800 193.128.78 MFLTD1 C:GB D:02/24/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 4:1800 193.128.79 MFLTD5 C:GB D:02/25/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 4:1800 193.128.84 LEICA-CAM C:GB D:02/24/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 4:1800 193.128.85 PIPEX-SWIPNET C:GB D:02/24/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 4:1800 193.166.32 OUNET-C1 C:FI D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:701 3:1240 4:513 193.166.33 OUNET-C2 C:FI D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:701 3:1240 4:513 193.166.34 OUNET-C3 C:FI D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:701 3:1240 4:513 193.166.35 OUNET-C4 C:FI D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:701 3:1240 4:513 193.166.36 OUNET-C5 C:FI D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:701 3:1240 4:513 193.166.37 OUNET-C6 C:FI D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:701 3:1240 4:513 193.166.38 OUNET-C7 C:FI D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:701 3:1240 4:513 193.166.39 OUNET-C8 C:FI D:02/24/93 1:1800 2:701 3:1240 4:513 193.170.16 UNILEO-C1 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.17 UNILEO-C2 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.18 UNILEO-C3 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.19 UNILEO-C4 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.20 UNILEO-C5 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.21 UNILEO-C6 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.22 UNILEO-C7 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.23 UNILEO-C8 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.24 UNILEO-C9 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.25 UNILEO-C10 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.26 UNILEO-C11 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.27 UNILEO-C12 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.28 UNILEO-C13 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.29 UNILEO-C14 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.30 UNILEO-C15 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 193.170.31 UNILEO-C16 C:AT D:02/24/93 1:513 2:1800 198.3.48 AWNET-2 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.49 AWNET-3 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.50 AWNET-4 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.51 AWNET-5 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.52 AWNET-6 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.53 AWNET-7 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.54 AWNET-8 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.55 AWNET-9 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.56 AWNET-10 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.57 AWNET-11 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.58 AWNET-12 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.59 AWNET-13 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.60 AWNET-14 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.61 AWNET-15 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.62 AWNET-16 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.63 AWNET-17 C:US D:02/26/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.3.128 LMINET C:US D:02/25/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.17.75 IHS-NET2 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.17.92 PORTSIS C:US D:02/25/93 1:22 2:568 3:19 198.22.30 JTI-NET-1 C:US D:02/25/93 1:560 2:281 5:701 198.41.8 COMPATIBLE-NET8 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.41.9 COMPATIBLE-NET9 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.41.10 COMPATIBLE-NET10 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.41.11 COMPATIBLE-NET11 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.41.12 COMPATIBLE-NET12 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.41.13 COMPATIBLE-NET13 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.47.4 WALI-NET-4 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.47.5 WALI-NET-5 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.47.6 WALI-NET-6 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.47.7 WALI-NET-7 C:US D:02/25/93 1:209 2:210 198.49.171 FWL C:US D:02/25/93 1:2150 198.62.64 NCI-WEST C:US D:02/25/93 1:22 2:568 3:19 198.62.65 NCI-EAST C:US D:02/25/93 1:22 2:568 3:19 198.62.66 NCI-PAC C:US D:02/25/93 1:22 2:568 3:19 198.62.70 NSCGLD C:US D:02/25/93 1:237 2:233 Network IP: 132.215 Network Name: UQAR-IP-NET Location: RISQ, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke Street West, Montrea, Quebec M3A 2K6, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:603 CA*net in Quebec 2:1391 CA*net in Toronto 3:602 CA*net in Montreal 11:1393 CA*net in Quebec 12:601 CA*net in Toronto Network IP: 133.164 Network Name: FUJITSU2 Location: Fujitsu America Inc., 3055 Orchard Drive, San Jose, CA 95134, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 134.216 Network Name: GULFAERO Location: Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, P.O. Box 2206, Mail Stop A/05, Savannah, GA 31402, USA Country Code: US 1:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet) Network IP: 138.48 Network Name: FUNDP-AC-BE Location: Facultes Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgique, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 138.132 Network Name: ITALTEL Location: Italtel SIT, Milan, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 141.67 Network Name: UNI-ERL-MED Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 142.5 Network Name: TCPL Location: ARnet, Alberta Research Council, 250 Karl Clark Road, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5X2, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:602 CA*net in Montreal 2:603 CA*net in Quebec 3:1391 CA*net in Toronto 12:1393 CA*net in Quebec 13:601 CA*net in Toronto Network IP: 142.97 Network Name: DOEWAN1 Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 142.155 Network Name: SLCSL Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 142.156 Network Name: CONESTOGA Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 142.206 Network Name: STATSCAN Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 142.219 Network Name: COQUITLAM Location: BCnet, University of British Columbia, 6356 Agricultural Road, Vancouver, BC V6T 1W5, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:602 CA*net in Montreal 2:1391 CA*net in Toronto 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 12:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 143.213 Network Name: FTRICHAR-NET Location: Automation Management Branch, ASQP-AOS-AM, Building 977, Fort Richardson, AK 99505, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 143.214 Network Name: FTWAINWR-NET Location: 408th Signal Co., 59th Signal Bn., ATTN: ASQP-AFW-AD, Fort Wainwright, AK 99703-7192, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 151.89 Network Name: ANSALDO Location: Ansaldo S.p.a WAN, Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 151.90 Network Name: ESERCITO Location: Italian Army Network, Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 151.210 Network Name: FINGERHUT Location: Fingerhut Companies Inc., 4400 Baker Road, Minnetonka, MN 55343, USA Country Code: US 1:267 CICNET at UIUC 2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 3:266 CICNET at MERIT 4:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet) Network IP: 155.15 Network Name: ALTA-ENV Location: ARnet, Alberta Research Council, 250 Karl Clark Road, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5X2, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:602 CA*net in Montreal 2:603 CA*net in Quebec 3:1391 CA*net in Toronto 12:1393 CA*net in Quebec 13:601 CA*net in Toronto Network IP: 161.30 Network Name: INMARSATLAN Location: Inmarsat, 40 Melton Street, London NW1 2EQ, UNITED KINGDOM Country Code: GB 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 4:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 162.106 Network Name: COFEDMONTON Location: ARnet, Alberta Research Council, 250 Karl Clark Road, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5X2, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:602 CA*net in Montreal 2:603 CA*net in Quebec 3:1391 CA*net in Toronto 12:1393 CA*net in Quebec 13:601 CA*net in Toronto Network IP: 163.13 Network Name: TANET-B13 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.14 Network Name: TANET-B14 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.15 Network Name: TANET-B15 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.16 Network Name: TANET-B16 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.17 Network Name: TANET-B17 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.18 Network Name: TANET-B18 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.19 Network Name: TANET-B19 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.20 Network Name: TANET-B20 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.21 Network Name: TANET-B21 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.22 Network Name: TANET-B22 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.23 Network Name: TANET-B23 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.24 Network Name: TANET-B24 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.25 Network Name: TANET-B25 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.26 Network Name: TANET-B26 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.27 Network Name: TANET-B27 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.28 Network Name: TANET-B28 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.29 Network Name: TANET-B29 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.30 Network Name: TANET-B30 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.31 Network Name: TANET-B31 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 163.32 Network Name: TANET-B32 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 164.81 Network Name: FNET-UNILIM-B Location: Universite de Limoges, C.U.C.L., allee Andre Maurois, FR-87065 Limoges CEDEX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 192.41.172 Network Name: CSPI Location: CSP, Inc., 40 Linnell Circle, Billerica, MA 01821, USA Country Code: US 1:560 NEARnet Regional Network 2:281 NEARnet Regional Network 5:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.44.81 Network Name: REVUE-81 Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.44.86 Network Name: REVUE-86 Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.44.87 Network Name: REVUE-87 Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.44.88 Network Name: REVUE-88 Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.44.89 Network Name: REVUE-89 Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.44.90 Network Name: REVUE-90 Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.84.27 Network Name: CMIS Location: A.C. Nielsen Company/CMIS, Moeringgasse 20, A-1150 Vienna, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 192.93.171 Network Name: GERII Location: Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Toulouse, Complexe Scientifique de Rangueil, FR-31077 Toulouse CEDEX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 192.104.171 Network Name: AMERIDATA Location: AmeriData, Inc., 10200 51st Avenue North, Plymouth, MN 55442, USA Country Code: US 1:267 CICNET at UIUC 2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 3:266 CICNET at MERIT 4:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet) Network IP: 192.106.207 Network Name: INTECS-RM Location: Intecs Sistemi S.p.A., Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.208 Network Name: INTECS-NA Location: Intecs Sistemi S.p.A., Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.209 Network Name: INTECS-PI Location: Intecs Sistemi S.p.A., Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.210 Network Name: INTECS2IUNET Location: Intecs Sistemi S.p.A., Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.213 Network Name: SAD-NET Location: S.A.D. Bolzano Network, Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.214 Network Name: ALENIA2IUNET Location: Alenia S.p.A. to IUnet point to point network, Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.217 Network Name: DELPHI Location: Delphi LAN, Viareggio, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.219 Network Name: CRCC Location: CRCC Informatica, Monza, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.220 Network Name: CILME Location: CILME LAN, Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.221 Network Name: ALENIA-RM Location: Alenia S.p.A. LAN, Italian UNIX Networks, Genoa, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.223 Network Name: SEM-MI Location: Systems&Management, Milano, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.224 Network Name: SEM-MO Location: Systems&Management, Modena, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.106.225 Network Name: SEM-RM Location: Systems&Management, Roma, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.122.193 Network Name: CA*NET_AT_JVNC Location: CA*Net at JvNC, John von Neumann Center for Scientific Computing, 665 College Road East, Plainsboro, NJ 08536, USA Country Code: US 1:603 CA*net in Quebec 2:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.129.10 Network Name: UNI-ERL-NORTH Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.129.11 Network Name: UNI-ERL-SOUTH Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.129.12 Network Name: UNI-ERL-EAST Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.129.13 Network Name: UNI-ERL-WEST Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.129.14 Network Name: UNI-ERL-CITY Location: University Erlangen Nuremberg, Martensstrasse 1, D-8520 Erlangen, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.134.23 Network Name: UBO-RECH Location: UBO - University of Brest, 6 Avenue Le Gorgeu, FR-29287 Brest CEDEX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 192.134.24 Network Name: UBO-GEST Location: UBO - University of Brest, 6 Avenue Le Gorgeu, FR-29287 Brest CEDEX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 192.135.66 Network Name: MFLTD1 Location: Micro Focus Ltd, 26 West Street, Newbury, Berks. RG13 1JT, UNITED KINGDOM Country Code: GB 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 4:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 192.139.200 Network Name: HYPROTECH Location: ARnet, Alberta Research Council, 250 Karl Clark Road, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5X2, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:602 CA*net in Montreal 2:603 CA*net in Quebec 3:1391 CA*net in Toronto 12:1393 CA*net in Quebec 13:601 CA*net in Toronto Network IP: 192.139.224 Network Name: CAMBRIAN Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.139.231 Network Name: CHEO Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.139.237 Network Name: LOYALISTC Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.139.245 Network Name: CANADOREC Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.146.242 Network Name: UNIVCA Location: Universita' degli Studi di Cagliari, Via Universita 40, I-09124 Cagliari, ITALY Country Code: IT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 192.154.43 Network Name: NCSSM-NET Location: North Carolina School of Science & Math, 1219 Broad Street, Durham, NC 27715, USA Country Code: US 1:81 CONCERT 2:1327 ANS Washington D.C. - DNSS 59 Network IP: 192.161.36 Network Name: BOEING-29 Location: The Boeing Company, P.O.Box 24346, Mailstop 7R-40, Seattle, WA 98124-0346, USA Country Code: US 1:685 NorthWestNet Regional Network 2:73 NorthWestNet Regional Network 3:101 NorthWestNet Regional Network Network IP: 192.164.44 Network Name: WEILAND-NET Location: WEILAND, Neubaugasse 36, A-1070 Wien, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 192.187.168 Network Name: NETBLK-NETCOM168 Location: Netcom - Online Communications Services, 4000 Moorpark Avenue - Suite 209, San Jose, CA 95117, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.188.14 Network Name: GI Location: Central Community College, Box 4903, Grand Island, NE 68802, USA Country Code: US 1:93 MIDnet Network IP: 192.188.230 Network Name: SUNYERIE-1 Location: Erie Community College, 6205 Main Street, Williamsville, NY 14221, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.192.1 Network Name: TANET-C1 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.2 Network Name: TANET-C2 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.3 Network Name: TANET-C3 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.4 Network Name: TANET-C4 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.5 Network Name: TANET-C5 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.6 Network Name: TANET-C6 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.7 Network Name: TANET-C7 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.8 Network Name: TANET-C8 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.9 Network Name: TANET-C9 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.10 Network Name: TANET-C10 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.11 Network Name: TANET-C11 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.12 Network Name: TANET-C12 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.13 Network Name: TANET-C13 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.14 Network Name: TANET-C14 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.15 Network Name: TANET-C15 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.16 Network Name: TANET-C16 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.17 Network Name: TANET-C17 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.18 Network Name: TANET-C18 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.19 Network Name: TANET-C19 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.20 Network Name: TANET-C20 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.21 Network Name: TANET-C21 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.22 Network Name: TANET-C22 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.23 Network Name: TANET-C23 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.24 Network Name: TANET-C24 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.25 Network Name: TANET-C25 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.26 Network Name: TANET-C26 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.27 Network Name: TANET-C27 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.28 Network Name: TANET-C28 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.29 Network Name: TANET-C29 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.30 Network Name: TANET-C30 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.31 Network Name: TANET-C31 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.32 Network Name: TANET-C32 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.33 Network Name: TANET-C33 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.34 Network Name: TANET-C34 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.35 Network Name: TANET-C35 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.36 Network Name: TANET-C36 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.37 Network Name: TANET-C37 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.38 Network Name: TANET-C38 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.39 Network Name: TANET-C39 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.40 Network Name: TANET-C40 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.41 Network Name: TANET-C41 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.42 Network Name: TANET-C42 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.43 Network Name: TANET-C43 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.44 Network Name: TANET-C44 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.45 Network Name: TANET-C45 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.46 Network Name: TANET-C46 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.47 Network Name: TANET-C47 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.48 Network Name: TANET-C48 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.49 Network Name: TANET-C49 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.192.50 Network Name: TANET-C50 Location: Ministry of Education Computer Center, 12th Floor, 106 Hoping E. Road, Sec 2, Taipei, TAIWAN Country Code: TW 1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.197.20 Network Name: BUNYIP Location: RISQ, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC M3A 2K6, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:603 CA*net in Quebec 2:1391 CA*net in Toronto 3:602 CA*net in Montreal 11:1393 CA*net in Quebec 12:601 CA*net in Toronto Network IP: 192.197.54 Network Name: DURHAMC Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.197.88 Network Name: ALGONQUIN1 Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.197.90 Network Name: SAULTC Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.197.121 Network Name: NORTH-POLE Location: RISQ, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke Street West, Montrea, Quebec M3A 2K6, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:603 CA*net in Quebec 2:1391 CA*net in Toronto 3:602 CA*net in Montreal 11:1393 CA*net in Quebec 12:601 CA*net in Toronto Network IP: 192.197.148 Network Name: FLEMINGC Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.197.205 Network Name: CLARKEINST Location: Onet, University of Toronto Computing Services, 4 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, CANADA Country Code: CA 1:1391 CA*net in Toronto 2:602 CA*net in Montreal 3:603 CA*net in Quebec 11:601 CA*net in Toronto 13:1393 CA*net in Quebec Network IP: 192.204.11 Network Name: CLARIT Location: CLARIT Corporation, 319 S. Craig Street, Suite 200A, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA Country Code: US 1:204 PSCNET Regional Network 2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network Network IP: 192.216.60 Network Name: BARRNET-216-6 Location: BARRNet, c/o Stanford University, Pine Hall 115, Stanford, CA 94305-4122, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.233.36 Network Name: VPHARM-1 Location: Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., 40 Allston Street, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Country Code: US 1:560 NEARnet Regional Network 2:281 NEARnet Regional Network 5:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.245.61 Network Name: MARMOT-NET Location: Marmot, 1200 College Place, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 193.50.224 Network Name: FR-UNIVPAU2 Location: C.I.U.P.P.A., I.F.R. - Rue Jules Ferry, FR-64000, Pau, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.50.225 Network Name: FR-UNIVPAU3 Location: C.I.U.P.P.A., I.F.R. - Rue Jules Ferry, FR-64000 Pau, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.12 Network Name: LUC-NET1 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.13 Network Name: LUC-NET2 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.14 Network Name: LUC-NET3 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.15 Network Name: LUC-NET4 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.16 Network Name: LUC-NET5 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.17 Network Name: LUC-NET6 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.18 Network Name: LUC-NET7 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.19 Network Name: LUC-NET8 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.20 Network Name: LUC-NET9 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.53.21 Network Name: LUC-NET10 Location: University Limburg, BELGIUM Country Code: BE 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.59.1 Network Name: PLDPOLIP1 Location: Technical University of Lodz, ul. Stefanowskiego 18/22, 90-059 Lodz, POLAND Country Code: PL 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.59.40 Network Name: PLDPOLIP2 Location: Technical University of Lodz, ul. Stefanowskiego 18/22, 90-059 Lodz, POLAND Country Code: PL 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.59.42 Network Name: PLDPOLIP3 Location: Technical University of Lodz, ul. Stefanowskiego 18/22, 90-059 Lodz, POLAND Country Code: PL 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.59.43 Network Name: PLDPOLIP4 Location: Technical University of Lodz, ul. Stefanowskiego 18/22, 90-059 Lodz, POLAND Country Code: PL 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific 3:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.72.202 Network Name: XEROX-CH-C1 Location: Rank Xerox AG, Thurgauerstr. 40, CH-8050 Zuerich, SWITZERLAND Country Code: CH 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.80.12 Network Name: TC-NET Location: Tech Consult - Salzburg, Technologie, Marketing, und Supercomputing Ges.m.b.H., Jakob Haringer Strasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.80.13 Network Name: TC-NET2 Location: Tech Consult - Salzburg, Technologie, Marketing, und Supercomputing Ges.m.b.H., Jakob Haringer Strasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.80.14 Network Name: TC-NET3 Location: Tech Consult - Salzburg, Technologie, Marketing, und Supercomputing Ges.m.b.H., Jakob Haringer Strasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.80.15 Network Name: TC-NET4 Location: Tech Consult - Salzburg, Technologie, Marketing, und Supercomputing Ges.m.b.H., Jakob Haringer Strasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.80.16 Network Name: TC-NET5 Location: Tech Consult - Salzburg, Technologie, Marketing, und Supercomputing Ges.m.b.H., Jakob Haringer Strasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.80.17 Network Name: TC-NET6 Location: Tech Consult - Salzburg, Technologie, Marketing, und Supercomputing Ges.m.b.H., Jakob Haringer Strasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.80.18 Network Name: TC-NET7 Location: Tech Consult - Salzburg, Technologie, Marketing, und Supercomputing Ges.m.b.H., Jakob Haringer Strasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.80.19 Network Name: TC-NET8 Location: Tech Consult - Salzburg, Technologie, Marketing, und Supercomputing Ges.m.b.H., Jakob Haringer Strasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.128.78 Network Name: MFLTD1 Location: Micro Focus Ltd, 26 West Street, Newbury, Berks. RG13 1JT, UNITED KINGDOM Country Code: GB 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 4:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.128.79 Network Name: MFLTD5 Location: Micro Focus Ltd, 26 West Street, Newbury, Berks. RG13 1JT, UNITED KINGDOM Country Code: GB 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 4:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.128.84 Network Name: LEICA-CAM Location: Leica Cambridge Ltd, SEG Engineering, Clifton Road, Cambridge CB1 3QH, UNITED KINGDOM Country Code: GB 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 4:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.128.85 Network Name: PIPEX-SWIPNET Location: PIPEX, 216 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WA, UNITED KINGDOM Country Code: GB 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 4:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.166.32 Network Name: OUNET-C1 Location: Oulu University, Computer Services Centre, Linnanmaa, 90570 Oulu, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:701 Alternet 3:1240 ICM-Pacific 4:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.166.33 Network Name: OUNET-C2 Location: Oulu University, Computer Services Centre, Linnanmaa, 90570 Oulu, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:701 Alternet 3:1240 ICM-Pacific 4:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.166.34 Network Name: OUNET-C3 Location: Oulu University, Computer Services Centre, Linnanmaa, 90570 Oulu, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:701 Alternet 3:1240 ICM-Pacific 4:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.166.35 Network Name: OUNET-C4 Location: Oulu University, Computer Services Centre, Linnanmaa, 90570 Oulu, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:701 Alternet 3:1240 ICM-Pacific 4:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.166.36 Network Name: OUNET-C5 Location: Oulu University, Computer Services Centre, Linnanmaa, 90570 Oulu, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:701 Alternet 3:1240 ICM-Pacific 4:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.166.37 Network Name: OUNET-C6 Location: Oulu University, Computer Services Centre, Linnanmaa, 90570 Oulu, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:701 Alternet 3:1240 ICM-Pacific 4:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.166.38 Network Name: OUNET-C7 Location: Oulu University, Computer Services Centre, Linnanmaa, 90570 Oulu, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:701 Alternet 3:1240 ICM-Pacific 4:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.166.39 Network Name: OUNET-C8 Location: Oulu University, Computer Services Centre, Linnanmaa, 90570 Oulu, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:701 Alternet 3:1240 ICM-Pacific 4:513 EASInet / CERN Network IP: 193.170.16 Network Name: UNILEO-C1 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.17 Network Name: UNILEO-C2 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.18 Network Name: UNILEO-C3 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.19 Network Name: UNILEO-C4 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.20 Network Name: UNILEO-C5 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.21 Network Name: UNILEO-C6 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.22 Network Name: UNILEO-C7 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.23 Network Name: UNILEO-C8 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.24 Network Name: UNILEO-C9 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.25 Network Name: UNILEO-C10 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.26 Network Name: UNILEO-C11 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.27 Network Name: UNILEO-C12 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.28 Network Name: UNILEO-C13 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.29 Network Name: UNILEO-C14 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.30 Network Name: UNILEO-C15 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 193.170.31 Network Name: UNILEO-C16 Location: Montanuniversitaet Leoben, EDV-Zentrum, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM-Atlantic Network IP: 198.3.48 Network Name: AWNET-2 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.49 Network Name: AWNET-3 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.50 Network Name: AWNET-4 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.51 Network Name: AWNET-5 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.52 Network Name: AWNET-6 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.53 Network Name: AWNET-7 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.54 Network Name: AWNET-8 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.55 Network Name: AWNET-9 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.56 Network Name: AWNET-10 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.57 Network Name: AWNET-11 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.58 Network Name: AWNET-12 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.59 Network Name: AWNET-13 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.60 Network Name: AWNET-14 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.61 Network Name: AWNET-15 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.62 Network Name: AWNET-16 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.63 Network Name: AWNET-17 Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.3.128 Network Name: LMINET Location: Logistics Management Institute, 6400 Goldsboro Road, Bethesda, MD 20817-5886, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.17.75 Network Name: IHS-NET2 Location: Information Handling Services, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.17.92 Network Name: PORTSIS Location: Naval Command Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, Code 914, San Diego, CA 92152-5000, USA Country Code: US 1:22 NOSC (Naval Ocean Systems Center) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) 3:19 Milnet (FIX-East) Network IP: 198.22.30 Network Name: JTI-NET-1 Location: Jupiter Technology Inc., 200 Prospect Street, Waltham, MA 02254, USA Country Code: US 1:560 NEARnet Regional Network 2:281 NEARnet Regional Network 5:701 Alternet Network IP: 198.41.8 Network Name: COMPATIBLE-NET8 Location: Compatible Systems, Inc., 4730 Walnut Street #102, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.41.9 Network Name: COMPATIBLE-NET9 Location: Compatible Systems, Inc., 4730 Walnut Street #102, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.41.10 Network Name: COMPATIBLE-NET10 Location: Compatible Systems, Inc., 4730 Walnut Street #102, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.41.11 Network Name: COMPATIBLE-NET11 Location: Compatible Systems, Inc., 4730 Walnut Street #102, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.41.12 Network Name: COMPATIBLE-NET12 Location: Compatible Systems, Inc., 4730 Walnut Street #102, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.41.13 Network Name: COMPATIBLE-NET13 Location: Compatible Systems, Inc., 4730 Walnut Street #102, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.47.4 Network Name: WALI-NET-4 Location: Western Automation / Spectra Logic, 1700 W. 55th Street, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.47.5 Network Name: WALI-NET-5 Location: Western Automation / Spectra Logic, 1700 W. 55th Street, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.47.6 Network Name: WALI-NET-6 Location: Western Automation / Spectra Logic, 1700 W. 55th Street, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.47.7 Network Name: WALI-NET-7 Location: Western Automation / Spectra Logic, 1700 W. 55th Street, Boulder, CO 80301, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.49.171 Network Name: FWL Location: Far West Labs, 730 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107-1242, USA Country Code: US 1:2150 CSUNET-SW Network IP: 198.62.64 Network Name: NCI-WEST Location: Naval Command Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, Code 914, San Diego, CA 92152-5000, USA Country Code: US 1:22 NOSC (Naval Ocean Systems Center) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) 3:19 Milnet (FIX-East) Network IP: 198.62.65 Network Name: NCI-EAST Location: Naval Command Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, Code 914, San Diego, CA 92152-5000, USA Country Code: US 1:22 NOSC (Naval Ocean Systems Center) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) 3:19 Milnet (FIX-East) Network IP: 198.62.66 Network Name: NCI-PAC Location: Naval Command Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, Code 914, San Diego, CA 92152-5000, USA Country Code: US 1:22 NOSC (Naval Ocean Systems Center) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) 3:19 Milnet (FIX-East) Network IP: 198.62.70 Network Name: NSCGLD Location: National Steel Corporation / Great Lakes Division, 1 Quality Drive, Ecorse, MI 48229, USA Country Code: US 1:237 MichNet (MERIT) 2:233 UMnet (University of Michigan) ***************************************************************** The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be available for anonymous ftp on by 08:00 EST: configuration reports -- networks sorted by AS -- nets.as_<AS number> NSS routing software configuration files -- nss<NSS number>.t3p Please send all requests for configuration changes to using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line from the machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files, template.gate, and ******************************* --Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET --Riaz Taherzadeh-Yazdian NSFNET/ANSNET
participants (1)
Steven K. Widmayer