Remember my idea of sending emails to the worst CIDR offenders? Some may have thought it naive :-). I sent to the #1 offender and here is what I got back:
X-Mailer: Calypso Version (3) Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 15:44:49 -0500 Reply-To: dholmes@appliedtheory.com From: "Douglas Holmes" <dholmes@appliedtheory.com> To: hank@att.net.il Cc: support@appliedtheory.com Subject: Ticket#38024 X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by MaX.att.net.il id WAA73496
Mr Nussbacher,
AppliedTheory has performed a maintenance over the weekend to correct non-aggregated routes were being leaked to the Internet by one of our peers.
As you may have noticed, this was a rather sudden jump to the top of the list. It appears that some of our non-aggregated routes were being leaked to the Internet by one of our peers.
We take our responsibility as citizens of the Internet community seriously and therefore do our best to aggregate appropriately. We are regularly reviewing the way we announce routes to the Internet to ensure that we are doing what serves our customers' and the Internet community's best interests.
After fixing the leak through our peer, I think you will find that we will fall off the list of "worst offenders" very quickly. Thank you.
Douglas Holmes Day Team Leader Customer Support Center
To: radb@appliedtheory.com, vk@appliedtheory.com, hostmaster@appliedtheory.com From: Hank Nussbacher <hank@att.net.il> Subject: Global routing table bloat Hello. Based on the CIDR report located at: http://www.employees.org:80/~tbates/cidr-report.html Applied Theory is the worst offender: ASnum NetsNow NetsCIDR NetGain % Gain Description AS1785 593 370 223 37.6% AppliedTheory Communications This means that the global BGP routing table is now close to 100,000 prefixes and your organization is listed as the worst offender for not aggregating their prefixes when announcing them to the Internet. I hope Applied Theory can take the time and fix up their prefix announcements to the Internet so we all don't have to suffer. Thanks, Hank Nussbacher
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Hank Nussbacher