Dialup access instructions for the Regional-Techs Meeting in Reston 6/10-11, 1993 Hi. Sprint, SURAnet and ANS have all provided dialup access for attendees of the meeting. Each has different phone numbers and dialing instructions. All provide telnet access, and both SURA and ANS offer SLIP/PPP access. With ANS you'll have to ask for an id code specially for yourself. Here are the instructions. --Mark SPRINT DIAL INSTRUCTIONS From: ipasha@icm1.icp.net (Ismat Pasha) Subject: Dial-up access (telnet only) Phone: 1-800-488-0390 User id: regi_tech Password: regi_tech --------------------------------------------------------- SURAANET DIAL INSTRUCTIONS From: "Roy Alcala" <ralcala@sura.net> We have created several dialup accounts on a NetBlazer for use by meeting attendees. There is one account for terminal-server type access, and several others for SLIP and PPP. The IP addresses that should be used for these are listed below. The surappp account will select an unused IP address from a pool and attempt to convey this address to the remote machine via IPCP. If you find that the negotiation fails with your software, you will have to use one of the surappp1-5 accounts and statically configure the IP address on your end. If another user is already logged in using one of the surappp1-5 or suraslip1-5 accounts and you attempt to use the same account, you will get a message from the NetBlazer: "packet user 'suraXXXX' already logged in on lineXX". You will have to select a different account if this happens. The IP address of the NetBlazer is You should set this as your default gateway. The MTU is 1006 for the SLIP accounts, and 1500 for the PPP accounts. The suranet account provides character access to the NetBlazer command prompt. Outgoing telnet sessions can be established from this account. Login IP address ----- ---------- suranet no ip address - terminal server access surappp - dynamic allocation (PPP) surappp1 (PPP) surappp2 (PPP) surappp3 (PPP) surappp4 (PPP) surappp5 (PPP) suraslip1 (SLIP) suraslip2 (SLIP) suraslip3 (SLIP) suraslip4 (SLIP) suraslip5 (SLIP) There are 5 dialup lines available (V.32bis/V.42bis): (301) 441-3543 (301) 441-3546 (301) 220-2498 (301) 220-2869 (301) 220-3075 The password for all of these accounts is "4nsfrtm". [Note: from Reston dial area code and number without dialing '1'. It is a local call.] - roy - --------------------------------------------------------- ANS DIALUP INSTRUCTIONS From: "Daniel B. Dobkin" <dbd@ans.net> tel: (800) 926-7111 PIN: 0198486 user: reg-tech pass: marmalade To dial the phone, call the 800 number and wait for the tone before entering the PIN. Most modems let you do this with a combination of "," and "w" pause commands: atdt98009267111,,,0198486 [Note: I found that from the hotel, I needed 8 commas before the PIN code. --Mark] generally does the trick from any phone. Occasionally I've run into PBXs that require another comma or two; home phones usually get away with just a single "w" instead. Since we dedicate IP addresses to our users, rather than our modems, personal accounts are required for SLIP/PPP. Administration of personal accounts for SLIP/PPP access is overhead I'm willing to accept --- it's not that much additional work for me. Those who want it can drop me a note, and I'll turn it up for them. \d
participants (1)
Mark Knopper