All: Our company is purchasing a couple of Junipers and we are going to run OC-3 circuits off of them. We current have Cisco 7507 routers that will connect to the Junipers (via FastEthernet and later GigE). We run OSPF and BGP in our network. Any gotchas we should watch out for and any tips/tricks? I read the NANOG archive and saw someone mention OSPF problems with Juniper and to run ISIS. Is that still the case? Thanks! ----- Devon

In article <374A92909239824AB6CD24234C9682FF205676@exchange.xodiax.org>, Devon True <dtrue@xodiax.com> wrote:
Our company is purchasing a couple of Junipers and we are going to run OC-3 circuits off of them. We current have Cisco 7507 routers that will connect to the Junipers (via FastEthernet and later GigE). We run OSPF and BGP in our network.=20
Any gotchas we should watch out for and any tips/tricks? I read the NANOG archive and saw someone mention OSPF problems with Juniper and to run ISIS. Is that still the case?=20
We use a mix of Juniper M20, M40, Cisco 7200/7500, STM1 (OC3), STM4(OC12), fast and gigabit ethernet, MPLS, OSPF, iBGP, eBGP, and it all works. The only issue we found is that if you run MPLS and LDP, sometimes a Cisco will announce the same label twice to the Juniper and the Juniper will (rightly) drop the LDP session. Very annoying, so right now the Cisco's don't run LDP (JunOS 4.4R1.5 / IOS 12.0(16)ST) If anyone else has experience with Juniper/Cisco LDP I'd sure like to know if they see the same problem. Mike. -- "Answering above the the original message is called top posting. Sometimes also called the Jeopardy style. Usenet is Q & A not A & Q." -- Bob Gootee

Devon True wrote:
Any gotchas we should watch out for and any tips/tricks? I read the NANOG archive and saw someone mention OSPF problems with Juniper and to run ISIS. Is that still the case?
I haven't seen any OSPF compatibility problems, including the use of authentication and changes in the default reference-bandwidth between Junipers and Cisco. Tested using JunOS 4.4 and 4.3. As far as the OC3c goes, You may want to preconfigure all the VPIs you'll ever have in advance if you can. Anytime you reconfigure them, the Juniper does a reset of the SAR to reallocate memory to the VPIs. This will cause all your ATM circuits on that interface to bounce. If you setup your peers under a BGP group statement, you will also need a 'peer-as' statement at the group level. You can give it a bogus/private one there just to satisfy the config. I don't think they have fixed this wasn't fixed as of JunOS 4.4. And finally, 'commit confirmed' is your friend. :-) John

jtk@depaul.edu disait :
As far as the OC3c goes, You may want to preconfigure all the VPIs you'll ever have in advance if you can. Anytime you reconfigure them, the Juniper does a reset of the SAR to reallocate memory to the VPIs. This will cause all your ATM circuits on that interface to bounce.
Other issue for European folks is the framing used on POS OC3 interfaces. Framing is defined for the PIC thus all 4 OC3 ports are either sonet or SDH (European framing). This is an issue as some carriers provide SDH framing, other (mostly US based) prefers sonet for back2back. We have to provision OC3 ports with both framing. V

The OSPF issues with Junos have been long fixed, although they were once quite nasty. - Daniel Golding -----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of John Kristoff Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 4:59 PM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Cisco and Juniper Inter-Operability Issues ??? Devon True wrote:
Any gotchas we should watch out for and any tips/tricks? I read the NANOG archive and saw someone mention OSPF problems with Juniper and to run ISIS. Is that still the case?
I haven't seen any OSPF compatibility problems, including the use of authentication and changes in the default reference-bandwidth between Junipers and Cisco. Tested using JunOS 4.4 and 4.3. As far as the OC3c goes, You may want to preconfigure all the VPIs you'll ever have in advance if you can. Anytime you reconfigure them, the Juniper does a reset of the SAR to reallocate memory to the VPIs. This will cause all your ATM circuits on that interface to bounce. If you setup your peers under a BGP group statement, you will also need a 'peer-as' statement at the group level. You can give it a bogus/private one there just to satisfy the config. I don't think they have fixed this wasn't fixed as of JunOS 4.4. And finally, 'commit confirmed' is your friend. :-) John
participants (5)
Daniel Golding
Devon True
John Kristoff
Vincent Gillet