Re: Schneier: ISPs should bear security burden

On Sun, 01 May 2005 21:23:11 +0200, Brad Knowles said:
At 1:07 PM -0400 2005-05-01, wrote:
I don't think *anybody* seriously expects the bus company to deny passage to people who happen to be burglars using public transportation to get to the ir next work site....
If they're wearing Balaclavas, full body armor, and carrying AK-47s, along with large sacks slung over their shoulders (either full or empty), then yes -- I would expect the bus driver to do everything he could to try to avoid picking them up.
But you see - that's because *those* passengers likely pose a threat to the people *on the bus*. The fun starts when you start making passengers turn out their pockets and you try to figure out if that guy dressed like a mechanic heading home from work has a piece of bent metal in his pocket - is it an Allen wrench or a lockpick (note that many SQL-injection attacks *are* that level of subtlety - so it's not an outrageous comparison), and figure out what their intentions are once the get off the bus... (And remember - the TSA is trying to go that route. They now ban lighters because somebody tried to light a shoe bomb with matches. Is that how you want to run your network? ;)
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