RE: Strange public traceroutes return private RFC1918 addresses

A more important question is what will happen as we move out of the 1500 byte Ethernet world into the jumbo gigE world. It's only a matter of time before end users will be running gigE networks and want to use jumbo MTUs on their Internet links.
The performance gain achieved by using jumbo frames outside of very specific LAN scenarios is highly questionable,
Did I say anything about performance? In any case, a lot of packets on the Internet have to traverse LANs at either edge and if jumbo packets can help on the LAN then people will use them.
and they're still not standardized.
Precisely my point. We can do jumbo MTUs of various sizes today but we need to discuss some standard ways of setting these MTUs so that we avoid MTU bottlenecks in the core. That way PMTUD will continue to be a non-issue.
Are "jumbo" Internet MTUs seen as a pressing issue by ISPs and vendors these days?
Some people like to do forward planning instead of waiting until an issue hits them in the face. By definition, forward planning will never be dealing with pressing issues. --Michael Dillon
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