RE: STM-1 Connection between Cisco LS1010 an Marconi ASX-200BX

Could be attenuation limit. Try adding 10db -----Original Message----- From: Sebastian Ganschow <> Sent: 05 November 2007 15:09 To: Subject: STM-1 Connection between Cisco LS1010 an Marconi ASX-200BX Hi, sorry for this little OffTopic. We've got a brand new STM-1 Connection between 2 of our POPs. The Problem is, we're not able to put it into service. On Side A we've got a Cisco Lightstream 1010 ATM-Switch with a 155SM PAM Modul. Side B is a Marconi ASX-200BX with a NM-4/155SMIRE Module. The Link is up on both sides, but both switches aren't able to establish the ATM Connection. The path has been measured twice with the result that it seems that there are no problems on the physical Layer. On Side A we can see, that cells are beeing transmitted but no cells are received while Side B is only receiving cells. If we configure a loopback on Side B Side A is reveiving cells. We've tested almost everything you can configure on both sides but the connection can't be established. As far as I know both Switches should configure themselfs automatically. It would be nice if anybody can give us a hint what we might have forgotten to configure. Confusing is, that we've configured everything exactly the same as three other STM-1 Connections between this Cisco LS and two other Marconi ASX-200BX ATM Switches. Thanks in advance. Regards Sebastian -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen, Dr. Buelow & Masiak GmbH ---------------------------------------------------------- Sebastian Ganschow B.Sc. Dr. Buelow & Masiak GmbH Victoriastraße 119 Telefon +49 (0)2365 4146- 0 D-45772 Marl Fax +49 (0)2365 4146-58 ----------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################ Geschäftsführer: Dr.Gudrun Bülow, Gerhard Bülow & Michael Masiak Handelsregistereintrag: Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HRB 5913 Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 170261670 ################################################################
participants (1)
Neil J. McRae