Any large-ish mail-receiving sites[1] seeing an increase in SMTP connections this week? I'm not necessarially talking about messages here, just connections. If so, please contact me off-list. Thanks. -- J.D. Falk "be crazy dumbsaint of the mind" <jdfalk@cybernothing.org> -- Jack Kerouac [1] if you handle fewer than half a billion inbound messages daily, you ain't anywhere near large-ish by today's standards. sorry.

On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 22:06:04 PST, "J.D. Falk" <jdfalk@cybernothing.org> said:
[1] if you handle fewer than half a billion inbound messages daily, you ain't anywhere near large-ish by today's standards. sorry.
Should we include rejected connections and spam dropped on the floor in the count? :) (Not that it matters in our case, as it moves us from some small millions to some larger millions, and still lacking a zero or two...)
participants (2)
J.D. Falk