Bellsouth DSL in Chattanooga - Whose Lines?

Does Bellsouth use its own infrastructure for consumer/business ADSL (specifically in Chattanooga, TN), or does it rely on someone else's lines to get from the local central office to the nearest peering exchange? I've seen outfits like Covad use Exodus/C&W, but I'm imagining a RBOC like BellSouth prefers to use its own infrastructure. What is the closest peering point that would be used in Chattanooga, anyhow? thanks, -carl hirsch

Does Bellsouth use its own infrastructure for consumer/business ADSL (specifically in Chattanooga, TN), or does it rely on someone else's lines to get from the local central office to the nearest peering exchange? I've seen outfits like Covad use Exodus/C&W, but I'm imagining a RBOC like BellSouth prefers to use its own infrastructure.
What is the closest peering point that would be used in Chattanooga, anyhow?
It' not an official peering point, but you might be surprised what's in Chattanooga. There is a LOT of voice and data cross-connects here, because all this fiber on rail-road right of ways ends up where the railroads are.. Chattanooga. As far DSL, BellSouth is about all that's left, Covad and everyone else has pulled. We do a little BellSouth DSL Resale, but not much. We have rather interesting facilities with fiber from KMC, EPB Telecom, and soon the Chattanooga MetroNet. We also have private fiber into several of the upstreams in the neighborhood (WorldCom/UUnet primarily) and are next door to Sprint, TCI DeltaCom, Excel, Williams, Qwest.. BellSouth is a little difficult to work with locally and they only have copper into our facility but they are the only physical provider of xDSL copper pairs in town. meuon@.. is a 'trashable' e-mail address, my business info is: 423-267-8867, 423-266-6536 cell: 423-314-4220 If I can help any, yell. We do colo and weird stuff, even for our competitors. :)
participants (2)
mike harrison