Is anyone on this list familiar with the AOL "megaproxies"? I'm trying to find out if they only proxy HTTP/HTTPS traffic or if it's all TCP connections. I'm working on setting up load balancers for a client application and need to know if I can expect users to keep coming from the same IP for the most part. Normally I'd think that they only proxy web connections, but some links say otherwise: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/contnetw/ps792/products_qanda_item091... - Refers to TCP connections as a general topic, not just http/s. http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServer/en/Library/bf3a1c95-f960-4ed3-b1... - Refers to the AOL proxies with "all TCP connections" Anyone have any experience with AOL in this regard? Thanks, Nathan
participants (1)
Nathan March