Dear all, At the Université de Liège (Belgium) and Université de Strasbourg (France), we are heavily working on measuring MPLS networks for a few years now (you can have a look at all our contributions here: http://montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~bdonnet/mpls/) In order to validate our techniques and get a better vision on how MPLS is actually used and deployed by operators, we have created a little survey. The answers to questions are straightforward (mostly binary answers and multiple choices) and completing the whole survey should take, roughly, 3 minutes. We would be very happy if you, guys, could take 3 minutes to complete the survey. The link towards the survey is the following: https://goo.gl/forms/9CUDnksbfLBbiltz2 <https://goo.gl/forms/9CUDnksbfLBbiltz2> Please, note that we do not ask you to validate our dataset (this might come later — that’s why the last question is about the contact email address), we are now interested in the big picture (do you deploy MPLS? MPLS usage? Labelling protocol? etc.). We will, obviously, post process the survey result but answers will always be anonymous when publishing the results (in scientific papers) If you need further information and/or would like to discuss our work, do not hesitate to contact one of us (see the contact page on the 1st link above or the CCs of this email) Thanks in advance Keep on Rockin’ Benoit — Prof. Benoit Donnet Université de Liège (ULg) Bât. B28 Algorithmique des Grands Systèmes Quartier Polytech 1 Allée de la Découverte 10 4000 Liège Phone: +32 4 3662279
participants (1)
Benoit Donnet