Alliance Meeting Announcement: Tuesday 5/28@**6:00**-Speakeasy Cafe (fwd)

I realize this announcement is probably only of interest only to ISP's and NSP's who operate in the Puget Sound region of Washington state, however I wanted to get the word out as widely as possible. Perhaps we could share information and advice with those engaged in similar efforts elsewhere. The topics that there has been interest in working together on are as follows: Regulatory and Tax issues with Cities, Counties, and the State (The city of Tacoma, WA has recently told ISP's they have to pay the city Utility tax). Dealing with local phone companies, competitive access providers, and the Washington Utilities and Trasportation Commission. Setting up regional traffic exchanges (The NIX, possibly a MAE like exchange). Exchanging feeds of the pnw.*, wash.*, seattle.*, and tacoma.* newsgroups. Possibly forming a State Trade Association. For more information about the "Alliance" please contact: Doug Tooley <> Or subscribe to the mailing list at: There are minutes of the organizational meeting available. At the next meeting I will bring up setting up a web page for information about the group and it's efforts. Christopher E Stefan System Administrator Home: (206) 706-0945 Ironhorse Software, Inc. Work: (206) 783-6636 finger for PGP key ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 18 May 1996 09:55:33 -0700 (PDT) From: Doug Tooley <> To:, Cc: Subject: Alliance Meeting Announcement: Tuesday 5/28@**6:00**-Speakeasy Cafe Hi folks: We have an agenda for the next Alliance meeting, open to all local Internet Service Providers. (My apolgies if you received a double post on this - this announcement is also being sent to a broader announcement list.) ************************************************** May Alliance Meeting ************* When & Where: Tuesday, May 28th 6:00 (note new time) Speakeasy Cafe, 2304 2nd Avenue, Seattle In the Back Room ********** Who & What: Speakers/Discussion Leaders: Ed Morin, NWNEXUS The NIX What is it? What are the entry requirements/procedures Aki Namioka, Member of the Governor's Task Force on Public Information Access Policy and Northwest Regional Director of CPSR. The CDA & Implications for Washington State ************************************************************************ These presentations will be 5-15 minutes or so with plenty of time for discussion on these topics. We will close the meeting with a discussion regarding new business, including a potential meeting with Competitive Access Providers next month and hosting the 1997 NANOG Meeting here in Seattle. We also need to look, semi-strategically, at ongoing development of local connections, including technical and administrative concerns. There are quite a number of alternatives here and it's been a pleasure to explore some of these with a few of you individually. It should be a great meeting. I hope you can make it! -Douglas Tooley
participants (1)
Christopher E. Stefan