All, Sorry, to interrupt any off-topic rambles, but I had a client call last week who had just had some telephone abuse heaped on them, by somebody accusing them of spamming. It turns out our client had a netblock assigned to them back in the mid-90's. They used to put on networking trade shows, and used the space for making show networks. They haven't put on a networking trade show (with a public network) since about 1997. Of course to complicate the matter, the sole contact listed in whois no longer works there. I informed our client how to remove their name from the whois record and relinquish the netblock back to ARIN, which I hope they are doing now. I also have (at the suggestion of some research through the nanog archives) submitted the netblock to the completewhois site. [I have no interest in commenting on the current inane OT nanog thread about that subject, so don't even try me.] Mr. Thomas' cymru.com service was offline when I tried to contact it last week (he replied via email about an outage... sorry to hear... coffee will get there eventually. Order put to the roaster today. - hang in there.) Of course I have no hard data, other than my client's phone call about another phone call, so I can't query based on a timestamp to see where this was being announced from. It appears to vanished, and has remained so according to my casual glances here and there. The netblock in question is: So, my question is: Other than the above, and mentioning it here, is there anything else *I* can do to assist my client? Especially since I am not at all directly related to this netblock in any way. Additionally, it would not hurt to know if anyone here *does* know when or where the announcement came from. The client in question are good folks, and I hate to see their reputation tainted by the actions of others. Thanks, --chuck goolsbee, digital.forest
participants (1)
chuck goolsbee