Anyone else notice that you now need javascript in order to even view TAC Cases? Anyone else annoyed by this crippling of something Cisco actually did reasonably well? Anyone not care what cisco does to CCO because you're still mourning the loss of CIO? What's next, requirement for flash to view vendor documentation? (Equinix already has this inane requirement.) Maybe I'm the only one left who sees a need to be able to check on things from a vt100 at a remote site. Welcome to the web, the technology that was supposed to remove technological incompatibilities and vendor-specific software requirements.

having a major provider like Cisco require that field technical people have significant computing resources to view potentialy critical information is very very bad. Many times in the field you are working in a situation where you don't have many of the normal resources a desk jockey would have. Cisco, please get the eye candy people out of the technical groups. On Sun, Mar 28, 2004 at 10:59:22PM -0800, michael wrote:
On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 bdragon@gweep.net wrote:
Maybe I'm the only one left who sees a need to be able to check on things from a vt100 at a remote site.
You are not alone. Would be nice if there was a "view as text" option.
participants (3)
John Brown (CV)