Hail NANOG; Is anyone here leveraging multiple CDN providers for resiliency and have best practices or other advice they'd be willing to share? Thanks, ~Chris -- @ChrisGrundemann http://chrisgrundemann.com

I have some experience with this; a few things off the top of my head: - It’s usually best to leverage some sort of “smart” DNS to handle CNAME distribution, giving you the ability to weight your CNAME distribution vs. only using one CDN all the time, or prefer different CDNs in various global regions. I’ve had decent experience with Dyn here, but Route53 has all the features you’d want as well. If possible, write tooling towards your DNS provider’s API to automate your failovers. - Weight your distribution such that you never have one CDN turned off completely; you’ll want a small trickle of user traffic hitting every CDN so that the caches won’t be cold when you switch over to it. - Make sure you have a distributed metrics service (ThousandEyes, WebMetrics, et al) testing your CDNs individually as well as the external hostname. - Stay away from HTML- or Header-munging features when possible; stick with feature sets that are common (and implementable in similar ways) across your providers. (Similar advice goes for multi-vendor *anything*, TBH) I could keep going, but if so, I might as well stick them into a powerpoint and submit a talk for Bellevue :) -C
On Mar 10, 2017, at 9:25 AM, Chris Grundemann <cgrundemann@gmail.com> wrote:
Is anyone here leveraging multiple CDN providers for resiliency and have best practices or other advice they'd be willing to share?
Thanks, ~Chris
-- @ChrisGrundemann http://chrisgrundemann.com

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 5:19 PM, Chris Woodfield <rekoil@semihuman.com> wrote:
I could keep going, but if so, I might as well stick them into a powerpoint and submit a talk for Bellevue :)
Not a bad idea! Maybe there's a BCOP here..? -- @ChrisGrundemann http://chrisgrundemann.com

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Chris Woodfield <rekoil@semihuman.com> wrote:
I have some experience with this; a few things off the top of my head:
- It’s usually best to leverage some sort of “smart” DNS to handle CNAME distribution, giving you the ability to weight your CNAME distribution vs. only using one CDN all the time, or prefer different CDNs in various global regions. I’ve had decent experience with Dyn here, but Route53 has all the features you’d want as well. If possible, write tooling towards your DNS provider’s API to automate your failovers.
I've seen people do this in their code too, send approximate percentages of requests to different providers but then you need to do a code push for failover.

Some folks just let Cedexis do the work. https://www.cedexis.com/solutions/multi-cdn/ On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 09:27 Chris Grundemann <cgrundemann@gmail.com> wrote:
Is anyone here leveraging multiple CDN providers for resiliency and have best practices or other advice they'd be willing to share?
Thanks, ~Chris
-- @ChrisGrundemann http://chrisgrundemann.com

I'll second Cedexis. We use it to spread load across three CDNs plus our origin, it just works. *[image: userimage]Scott Larson[image: los angeles] <https://www.google.com/maps/place/4216+Glencoe+Ave,+Marina+Del+Rey,+CA+90292/@33.9892151,-118.4421334,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x80c2ba88ffae914d:0x14e1d00084d4d09c>Lead Systems Administrator[image: wdlogo] <https://www.wiredrive.com/> [image: linkedin] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/wiredrive> [image: facebook] <https://www.twitter.com/wiredrive> [image: twitter] <https://www.facebook.com/wiredrive> [image: instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/wiredrive>* On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 6:38 PM, Ryan Landry <ryan.landry@gmail.com> wrote:
Some folks just let Cedexis do the work.
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 09:27 Chris Grundemann <cgrundemann@gmail.com> wrote:
Is anyone here leveraging multiple CDN providers for resiliency and have best practices or other advice they'd be willing to share?
Thanks, ~Chris
-- @ChrisGrundemann http://chrisgrundemann.com
participants (5)
Chris Grundemann
Chris Woodfield
Danijel Starman
Ryan Landry
Scott Larson