industry filtering rules

hi, sprintlink's filter policy for non sprintlink customers is shown below. do other large providers have similar policies? i am a sprintlink customer and am trying to understand how these policies are implemented in the industry. thanks. ip nums cidr RFC 1918 Reserved Addresses Disallow,, and 0-126 /8 Allow no subnets of historical addresses that were not announced in July 1995 127-191 /8 Allow nothing longer than /16 (i.e., /17, /18, /19, etc.) 192-205 /8 Allow nothing longer than /24 (i.e., /25, /26, /27, etc.) 206-223 /8 Allow nothing longer than /19 (i.e., /20, /21, /22, etc.) 195 /8 Allow nothing longer than /19 (i.e., /20, /21, /22, etc.) 24 /8 Allow nothing longer than /19 (i.e., /20, /21, /22, etc.) *The principal change is that we used to disallow /19s in 206/8-223/8 and 195/8, and this was not; in line with the minimal allocation units performed by the three primary registries Regards +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Neil Lehrer + U.S. Information Agency + Networks and Systems Support Division + + voice 202 619-0903 + fax 202 619-3883 + internet + + "oh what a tangled net we weave + when we seek to retrieve." + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
participants (1)
Lehrer, Neil