windows update cache

Hi, I'm having a really hard time with the Windos updates. Is there any product or way around the cache those updates? I know there are for enterprises, but are there for ISPs? -- Miguel Mata Gerente de Operaciones Intercom El Salvador voz: ++(503) 2278-5068 fax: ++(503) 2265-7024 "Intercom, sus Telecomunicaciones en buenas manos"

I'm having a really hard time with the Windos updates. Is there any product or way around the cache those updates? I know there are for enterprises, but are there for ISPs?
Windows Updates are not really cacheable because MS changes the contents of their patches without changing the names of the files. You can read more here: --Michael Dillon

Windows Software Update Services doesn't require the end-user to be part of a domain to get updates. You just need to define the WSUS server as the source for updates by changing a few registry entries and make sure the server is available via HTTP or HTTPS to your customers. You can read more at Microsoft's site. Also, WSUS is free to run on any Windows server. -joe ------------------------------------------------- Joseph A. Johnson, MCSE, MCP, A+ Chief Technology Officer Riverside Consulting Group, Ltd. Email: Web: Phone: 312-231-8315 -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Miguel Mata Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 9:53 AM To: Subject: windows update cache Hi, I'm having a really hard time with the Windos updates. Is there any product or way around the cache those updates? I know there are for enterprises, but are there for ISPs? -- Miguel Mata Gerente de Operaciones Intercom El Salvador voz: ++(503) 2278-5068 fax: ++(503) 2265-7024 "Intercom, sus Telecomunicaciones en buenas manos"

On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Joe Johnson wrote:
Windows Software Update Services doesn't require the end-user to be part of a domain to get updates. You just need to define the WSUS server as the source for updates by changing a few registry entries and make sure the server is available via HTTP or HTTPS to your customers. You can read more at Microsoft's site.
Also, WSUS is free to run on any Windows server.
Great if you're running a windows IT type LAN; crap if you're running an ISP! - its a Squid distribution for ipcop with an optional Windows update cache redirector. I don't know how well it'll scale but it seems to work fine for small home/office environments. You can always get an Akamai cluster :) That'll serve windows updates to you, amongst other things. That said, I know how to make Squid properly cache stuff like Windows Updates; I just need some spare time over the new year to code it up. Sponsorship to make it happen sooner is definitely welcome. Adrian (One of the remaining public Squid developers.)

Adrian Chadd wrote:
On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Joe Johnson wrote:
Windows Software Update Services doesn't require the end-user to be part of a domain to get updates. You just need to define the WSUS server as the source for updates by changing a few registry entries and make sure the server is available via HTTP or HTTPS to your customers. You can read more at Microsoft's site.
Also, WSUS is free to run on any Windows server.
Great if you're running a windows IT type LAN; crap if you're running an ISP!
Why? It talks TCP/IP. ~Seth

Adrian Chadd wrote:
On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
Great if you're running a windows IT type LAN; crap if you're running an ISP! Why? It talks TCP/IP.
How's it find the WSUS server again?
Key Name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate Value 0 Name: WUServer Type: REG_SZ Data: http://secret.server:8530 Value 1 Name: WUStatusServer Type: REG_SZ Data: http://secret.server:8530 Works for me at $dayjob without AD and I don't need to play with weird solutions. (Disclaimer: I am not a windows expert, it's my weak point actually, so I have no idea if this is portable, I'm just saying it uses standard TCP/IP to talk to WSUS.) ~Seth

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
Adrian Chadd wrote:
On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
Great if you're running a windows IT type LAN; crap if you're running an ISP! Why? It talks TCP/IP.
How's it find the WSUS server again?
Key Name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate
Value 0 Name: WUServer Type: REG_SZ Data: http://secret.server:8530
Value 1 Name: WUStatusServer Type: REG_SZ Data: http://secret.server:8530
Works for me at $dayjob without AD and I don't need to play with weird solutions. (Disclaimer: I am not a windows expert, it's my weak point actually, so I have no idea if this is portable, I'm just saying it uses standard TCP/IP to talk to WSUS.)
To make it work you'd have to get people to change the registry settings on their computer to use your WSUS server, which can be done. But what do you do with them after they've cancelled service with you and moved to some other ISP? Either they end up with a Windows Update that doesn't function anymore, or they end up using your bandwidth for the rest of their computer's life to get their updates. Perhaps it could be done by setting up a zone on your own DNS servers that your customers use and point all of the DNS entries to your own WSUS server, but I'm sure that comes with it's own set of problems as well..... Forrest

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
Adrian Chadd wrote:
On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Joe Johnson wrote:
Windows Software Update Services doesn't require the end-user to be part of a domain to get updates. You just need to define the WSUS server as the source for updates by changing a few registry entries and make sure the server is available via HTTP or HTTPS to your customers. You can read more at Microsoft's site.
Also, WSUS is free to run on any Windows server.
Great if you're running a windows IT type LAN; crap if you're running an ISP!
Why? It talks TCP/IP.
This seems like a question of how much control ISPs have over customers' PCs at this point. In my day (when we had to push packets up hill through 28.8 kbps modems, both ways...), we used to send out CDs to all our customers that would install web browsers and mail clients, and change the computers' dial-up networking settings to match our network. Changing some registry strings for Windows Update would have been trivial. The ISPs I've dealt with recently as an end user tend to just send out a cable or DSL to ethernet bridge and let DHCP do the rest. This is progress, as it means devices can move from place to place and just work, but I don't think it provides a way to change registry settings. -Steve

Steve Gibbard wrote:
On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
Adrian Chadd wrote:
On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Joe Johnson wrote:
Windows Software Update Services doesn't require the end-user to be part of a domain to get updates. You just need to define the WSUS server as the source for updates by changing a few registry entries and make sure the server is available via HTTP or HTTPS to your customers. You can read more at Microsoft's site.
Also, WSUS is free to run on any Windows server.
Great if you're running a windows IT type LAN; crap if you're running an ISP!
Why? It talks TCP/IP.
This seems like a question of how much control ISPs have over customers' PCs at this point. In my day (when we had to push packets up hill through 28.8 kbps modems, both ways...), we used to send out CDs to all our customers that would install web browsers and mail clients, and change the computers' dial-up networking settings to match our network. Changing some registry strings for Windows Update would have been trivial.
The ISPs I've dealt with recently as an end user tend to just send out a cable or DSL to ethernet bridge and let DHCP do the rest. This is progress, as it means devices can move from place to place and just work, but I don't think it provides a way to change registry settings.
One could try to transparently proxy requests to windows update over to the WSUS server. No idea if that'll work though. I'm no windows expert, nor was I trying to provide some total solution, I was just trying to point out it uses TCP on port 8530 and one could try to use that to their advantage. ~Seth

On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
One could try to transparently proxy requests to windows update over to the WSUS server. No idea if that'll work though. I'm no windows expert, nor was I trying to provide some total solution, I was just trying to point out it uses TCP on port 8530 and one could try to use that to their advantage.
Yup, transproxying windows updates access works fine. What I'd like to see is more use of service discovery, but what happens when someone hacks your WSUS server? Or hijacks your DNS? Or your squid box? :) (Come on DNSSEC..) Adrian

On Sep 28, 2007, at 1:05 PM, Steve Gibbard wrote:
On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Seth Mattinen wrote:
Adrian Chadd wrote:
On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Joe Johnson wrote:
Windows Software Update Services doesn't require the end-user to be part of a domain to get updates. You just need to define the WSUS server as the source for updates by changing a few registry entries and make sure the server is available via HTTP or HTTPS to your customers. You can read more at Microsoft's site. Also, WSUS is free to run on any Windows server. Great if you're running a windows IT type LAN; crap if you're running an ISP!
Why? It talks TCP/IP.
This seems like a question of how much control ISPs have over customers' PCs at this point. In my day (when we had to push packets up hill through 28.8 kbps modems, both ways...), we used to send out CDs to all our customers that would install web browsers and mail clients, and change the computers' dial-up networking settings to match our network. Changing some registry strings for Windows Update would have been trivial.
The ISPs I've dealt with recently as an end user tend to just send out a cable or DSL to ethernet bridge and let DHCP do the rest. This is progress, as it means devices can move from place to place and just work, but I don't think it provides a way to change registry settings.
And, even if it did, once the customer leaves and goes to another ISP they would likely still be pointing at your server -- this means that: a: their windows updates would break or b: you would carry on servicing them and paying for BW, etc W (Yes, yes, unless the new ISP gives them a CD that changes the registry settings too...)
-- Hope is not a strategy. -- Ben Treynor, Google

And, even if it did, once the customer leaves and goes to another ISP
they would likely still be pointing at your server -- this means that: a: their windows updates would break or b: you would carry on servicing them and paying for BW, etc
AT&T doesn't care that their crapware stops working on my PC after I leave, and (at least, back in the day) the updates to the built-in AV software only run over their network (internal DNS). Setup the DNS for the server to only exist on-net, so if they leave it stops resolving. Then, if they don't uninstall your "software" (an installer package thrown together to add the registry entries), what do you care? Now, that's not very altruistic, but let's face it: this isn't a perfect world hypothetical we're talking about. The best solution for making sure people don't bog down the network with traffic to Windows Update is to add more bandwidth. There is no extra layer of failure, no new hardware, nothing changed to the routing path of traffic to the internet, just a fatter pipe. That's not the cheapest solution to El Salvador, so caching would probably be best for Miguel. Since the last mile probably isn't as big of an issue, it is great to move things to the inside of the network. His choice just has to be which layer in the stack he wants that cache to be located. Squid is a good idea for most things, but MS gets hinky on the Windows Update stuff. They pull a bunch of crap with file content that makes it a pain for someone in IT on my side to troubleshoot BITS if the ISP is doing straight caching (like with squid). WSUS is application-layer and aware of the end-machine. It stores the updates on the server to provide a central location, and now runs on SQL 2005 (so there is some level of scalability for the application). I don't envy Miguel, though. This is a tough decision and he'll have to test the loads and see how much he can pull from WSUS before it craps out or test squid to see if it causes even more update headaches with Automatic Updates. -joe ------------------------------------------------- Joseph A. Johnson, MCSE, MCP, A+ Chief Technology Officer Riverside Consulting Group, Ltd. Email: Web: Phone: 312-231-8315

On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Joe Johnson wrote:
test the loads and see how much he can pull from WSUS before it craps out or test squid to see if it causes even more update headaches with Automatic Updates.
Well, I'll announce when the Squid "static content pretending to be dynamic content" patches are officially in on the squid blog ( . It'll also cache other stuff besides Windows Updates. Now, you might think "Why would I bother?" but then most small to medium sized networks generally haven't a clue whats actually going on -on- their network and don't realise what fraction of their traffic is or could be windows updates and the like, especially in particular environments like dormitory networks where the rush to grab patches can and does hurt. Caching still makes sense. I'll post more numbers as I get these things deployed. The silly thing is that people -are- using Squid and the like -very- successfully these days and still see 30% byte savings in some places - but never really talk about it. (It also works for stuff like caching Linux updates too; that works Real Well(tm) when you're running a farm of all the same Linux boxes and don't want to run a local mirror.) WSUS is a great idea if you control the client PC. Please don't take me back to the days where clients manually configured proxy servers on their machine and then changed ISPs, only to call you when your proxy server denied them the internet. Adrian

Why is it crap? It works on TCP/IP, provides an exact local copy of the updates without risking MS changing the content of a file without changing the name, and provides a reporting tool to check update status on client machines (can anyone say "stop to botnet"?). Even without the reporting features, you can provide full Microsoft Update to people who only would normally check Windows Update using WSUS, so you can also make sure they patch other vulnerable programs. -joe ------------------------------------------------- Joseph A. Johnson, MCSE, MCP, A+ Chief Technology Officer Riverside Consulting Group, Ltd. Email: Web: Phone: 312-231-8315 -----Original Message----- From: Adrian Chadd [] Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 11:25 AM To: Joe Johnson Cc: Miguel Mata; Subject: Re: windows update cache On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, Joe Johnson wrote:
Windows Software Update Services doesn't require the end-user to be
of a domain to get updates. You just need to define the WSUS server as the source for updates by changing a few registry entries and make sure the server is available via HTTP or HTTPS to your customers. You can read more at Microsoft's site.
Also, WSUS is free to run on any Windows server.
Great if you're running a windows IT type LAN; crap if you're running an ISP! - its a Squid distribution for ipcop with an optional Windows update cache redirector. I don't know how well it'll scale but it seems to work fine for small home/office environments. You can always get an Akamai cluster :) That'll serve windows updates to you, amongst other things. That said, I know how to make Squid properly cache stuff like Windows Updates; I just need some spare time over the new year to code it up. Sponsorship to make it happen sooner is definitely welcome. Adrian (One of the remaining public Squid developers.)

Windows Software Update Services doesn't require the end-user to be part of a domain to get updates. You just need to define the WSUS server as the source for updates by changing a few registry entries and make sure the server is available via HTTP or HTTPS to your customers. You can read more at Microsoft's site.
Even though you can make it work, I believe you will be running afoul of the WSUS Lic. agreement if it's not a corporate LAN/Domain. I don't have the text of it in front of me, but I remember this issue coming up on <nntp://> Since automating clients to use wsus requires either a registry or local/group policy change on the clients, you would have to find some way of manipulating this facet as well. I would say the best course is to contact the wsus/mu team via the above mentioned newsgroup and see if they'll become more cache friendly with a future version of wsus. The squid trick seems ideal if only you could be assured of having the latest files. ~JasonG --

Windows Software Update Services doesn't require the end-user to be part of a domain to get updates. You just need to define the WSUS server as the source for updates by changing a few registry entries and make sure the server is available via HTTP or HTTPS to your customers. You can read more at Microsoft's site.
Even though you can make it work, I believe in doing so you will be running afoul of the WSUS license agreement if it's not a corporate LAN/Domain. I don't have the text of it in front of me, but I remember this issue coming up on <nntp://> Since automating clients to use wsus requires either a registry or local/group policy change on the clients, you would have to find some way of manipulating this facet as well. I would say the best course is to contact the wsus/mu team via the above mentioned newsgroup and see if they'll become more cache friendly with a future version of wsus. The squid trick seems ideal if only you could be assured of having the latest files. ~JasonG --

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Miguel Mata wrote:
I'm having a really hard time with the Windos updates. Is there any product or way around the cache those updates? I know there are for enterprises, but are there for ISPs?
Microsoft does not currently have a solution for ISPs. I suggest contacting one of Microsoft's security programs for information about their current recommendations how ISPs can support customers using Microsoft products.
participants (10)
Adrian Chadd
Jason Gurtz
Joe Johnson
Miguel Mata
Sean Donelan
Seth Mattinen
Steve Gibbard
Warren Kumari