Merit is happy to announce the Merit Routing Registry. Whereas Merit designed and manages the PRDB (Policy Routing Data Base) for the NSFNET service, RIPE pioneered a policy routing registry for the European community. The RIPE Routing Registry is based on the document, RIPE-81. With RIPE's collaboration, Merit installed RIPE-81 software and then extended the policy descriptions in order to realize more complex policies. The Merit Routing Registry will be a companion registry to the RIPE Routing Registry and is intended to serve the community that is not served by RIPE. This is a new service and we consider ourselves still in the beta phase. Registrations may be basic policy descriptions defined in RIPE-81 or complex routing policy descriptions defined in the Extended Policy Syntax document by Chen, Gerich, Joncheray, and Yu. The Extended Policy Syntax document may be found on rrdb.merit.edu:pub/meritrr/policy_syntax.txt. Documentation for using the MeritRR can be found on rrdb.merit.edu:pub/meritrr. Merit and RIPE anticipate that the combined registries will provide a more comprehensive picture of the routing interactions in the Internet. We are working together to allow the two registries to appear like one virtual registry to the various tools that are developed. We welcome your comments on all aspects of this project. For more information, please respond to rradmin@rrdb.merit.edu. Elise Gerich, Merit Network, Inc. Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC
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