This exact thought has occured to me. Fixed charges to peer at fewer places. You can even come up with reasonable assumptions for fixed charges. (like that people who peer at one coast but not the other are costing you some fraction of one direction of a coast-to-coast DS3, and ought to pay you about that much) Perhaps if/when we end up at additional NAPs we'll implement this policy ourselves. -matthew kaufman matthew@scruz.net Original message <Pine.ULT.3.93.961030093058.20904H-100000@halcyon.halcyon.com> From: Ed Morin <edm@halcyon.com> Date: Oct 30, 9:32 Subject: Re: AGIS/DIGEX
Maybe a peering agreement that has settlements based on the number of NAP's you peer at? Peering at _no_ NAP's means paying full price with a decreasing scale down to nothing if you peer at 5 NAP's (or whatever the current hurdle is set at).
participants (1)