[NANOG-announce] NANOG 66 Update

NANOGers, We are beginning our final preparations in support of NANOG 66, February 8-9, 2016 in San Diego, CA. It is our hope the following highlights and reminders will be of help to you. The NANOG Program Committee has once again presented a great program. The NANOG 66 Agenda <http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog66/agenda> is posted, with updates being provided as warranted. Consider attending, the Conference Registration <http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog66/register> will increase soon! Also, take a moment to join NANOG <http://nanog.org/membership> or renew your existing Membership. • Early Bird Registration starting October 26, 2015 (member $425, non-member $450, student $100) • Standard Registration starting January 15, 2016 (member $500, non-member $525, student $100) • Late Registration starting January 23, 2016 (member $575, non-member $600, student $100) • On-Site Registration starting February 5, 2016 (member $650, non-member $675, student $100) The conference hotel <http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog66/hotel> (Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina <http://www.sheratonsandiegohotel.com/>) has a few rooms remaining, and the secondary room block hotel, (Hilton San Diego <http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/california/hilton-san-diego-airport-harbor-island-SANAHHF/index.html>) is available. However, both room blocks are set to expire very soon. Be sure to get your reservation made ASAP. We welcome those attendees <http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog66/attendees> and conference sponsors <http://nanog.org/meetings/nanog66/sponsors> already planning to join us for an exiting NANOG 66 program and the evening social events. Also, another reminder, the NANOG Communications <https://www.nanog.org/elections/2015/CCcandidates> and Program <https://www.nanog.org/elections/2015/PCcandidates> Committee Nominations are open through noon Eastern February 8, 2016. The engagement of NANOG Committee members is very important, please do consider volunteering. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact nanog-support@nanog.org <nanog-support@nanog.org>or email directly. Sincerely, Betty Betty J. Burke NANOG Executive Director 2864 Carpenter Rd., Ste 100 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 +1 866-902-1336 _______________________________________________ NANOG-announce mailing list NANOG-announce@mailman.nanog.org http://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce
participants (1)
Betty Burke <betty@nanog.org>