Re: The Gorgon's Knot. Was: Re: Verio Peering Question

| No. Not at all. But nor should we cry wolf and defend our corporate | policies with phoney hysteria. If you are filtering to keep your | internal routing tables clean fine, to get the most out of your | older or less than optimum equipment, fine too, but don't say the | "the internet is in danger of imminent collapse if we don't do | this" either. shut up and send me a cheque. Sean. ps - thank you for keeping the internet affordable for home users. pps - | Although this is certainly the first time I've seen | ivory tower idealism (aka nice clean routing tables with short allocations) | match up to the goals of a real world corporation was i an asshole to you such that you procmailed me out of your mailbox (this happens alot, you know) or am i getting old enough to believe i've been more consistent in my statements than i really have been?
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