FWD: FC: Verisign reportedly sending deceptive domain registration bills (fwd)

in case anyone has experienced this and wants to complain... ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Date: Monday, March 25, 2002 12:57 AM -0500 From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com> To: politech@politechbot.com Subject: FC: Verisign reportedly sending deceptive domain registration bills
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 19:26:15 -0500 To: declan@well.com From: Peter Wayner <pcw@flyzone.com> Subject: Fwd: A WARNING TO OUR CUSTOMERS
[Another scandal mixing spam, the DNS tables and ICANN.--Peter]
Date: 23 Mar 2002 00:07:10 -0000 To: pcw@flyzone.com From: service@godaddy.com Subject: A WARNING TO OUR CUSTOMERS
Please be aware that Verisign, Inc. (formerly Network Solutions) is sending via the US Mail, what we believe to be deceptive and predatory domain expiration notices. The purpose behind these notices is to get the unsuspecting customer to transfer to and renew their domain name(s) with Verisign Inc. at significantly higher prices.
The domain expiration notices are designed so that it is not obvious that the notices are from Verisign, Inc. as opposed to Go Daddy Software. To see a copy of one of these deceptive expiration notices, please go to the following URL: http://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/private_vsrn.asp?display=letter.
Those customers who fall prey to the Verisign, Inc. scheme will have their domain name(s) renewed at a price more than 3 times higher than would be the case if they renewed with Go Daddy Software.
For a .com, .net or .org domain name renewal, the victimized customer would pay $29.00 to Verisign, Inc. instead of the $8.95 charged by Go Daddy Software. Those customers who fall prey to this scheme, will not receive any better service or value. They will however be tricked out of $20.05 per domain name.
Renewal notices from Go Daddy Software are sent via email, and always mention the Go Daddy name. You can be sure that any communications you receive concerning your domain name that do not explicitly and obviously display the Go Daddy name are not from Go Daddy Software.
If you believe, as we do, that this practice of Verisign Inc. is misleading, predatory and improper, we invite you to make your feelings known by writing to ICANN (who is the governing body for all Registrarís and Registries) and to Verisign Registry. Email links for both are provided below.
Bob Parsons, President Go Daddy Software, Inc.
ICANN Registrar Complaint Form (hosted at InterNIC) http://www.internic.net/cgi/registrars/problem-report.cgi
VeriSign Registry Customer Service info@verisign-grs.com Phone: 703-948-3200
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brett watson