Re: SP's & network security issues

----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin hepworth" <>
Hey Martin. I think what i'm suggesting is a "security by default" stance, even for small businesses or power users on the other end of these connections. It makes the system monstrously more complex, but I'd rather see a situation where the access customer has to "opt in" to any given open port across an upstream link, and has to take some responsibility to secure it. It is a large change from the current thinking -- a.k.a. "we just give you the line, what you do with it is your business", but it is blindingly obvious to me that the current line of thinking has failed miserably. Granted, performance considerations on faster links and any given customer's desire to manage their own security must be taken into account, but those seem to be exceptions to the rule. How many DS3 and above customers and yahoo-style server farms are we really dealing with, and how many small businesses with a competent security admin, as compared to T1/E1 and broadband customers who take the line, plug it in, and hope for the best? -travis
participants (1)
Travis Pugh