From a cost-perspective you can deploy a cheaper networking gear basedon "dummy OpenFlow-only" switches, provided a controller applicationthat takes care of th e network intelligence (e.g., installing flows,VM directory, etc.). To illustrate this argument, I would greatly appreciate to invite you to a furth er reading of the presentation entitled "OpenFlow / Software Defined Networks" [ 6] from Clean Slate project at Stanford and the one entitled "Data Center Networ ks Are in My Way" [7] from Cloud Provider, Amazon.
Hello, I plan to distribute OpenFlow switches, which is why I would like to further dis cuss about this technology with NANOGers. Firstly, to get a better overview of OpenFlow, I would greatly appreciate to in vite you to a further reading of the latest presentation on the subject from NEC entitled "Future Internet Research Using OpenFlow" [1]. I) Definition a) Commercial I'd note that Flow-based networking is not a new concept and is currently suppor ted by Anagran [2], whose founder is none other than Larry Roberts [3]. b) Dynamic Switch Control Protocols By the way, I would greatly appreciate to invite you to a further reading of th e thesis entitled "Implementation and Evaluation of a Network Element Control Pr otocol" [4] where different Dynamic Switch Control Protocols (Strengths, and GSM P OpenFlow) are compared (page 17-23). -Note: the source code is available at the web page titled "Work ETNA Package 4 "[5]. II) Business Model 1) Capex The advantage of OpenFlow is to separate the Data Plane from the Control Plane, thus simplifying the switches (see page 15 of "Future Internet Research Using Op enFlow "[0]) which results in a reduction of Capex (see page 23 of the presentat ion entitled "OpenFlow / Software Defined Networks" [6]). 2) Opex Moreover, intelligence is centralized through the OpenFlow controller therefore easier, resulting in a reduction of Opex (see page 26 of the presentation entitl ed "OpenFlow / Software Defined Networks" [6]).
From a functional perspective you have the potential gains ofre-thinking the pa cket forwarding departing from spanning trees orVLAN segmentations (cf. SIGCOMM0 9 Portland paper). To illustrate this second argument, I would greatly appreciate to invite you to a further reading of the presentation entitled "An Experimenter's Guide to Open Flow" [8] of Deutsche Telekom R&D Labs and the one entitled "OpenFlow : Operatio nal Experiences" [9] from the GRNOC at the University of Illinois (who will also give an OpenFlow track at NANOG50 [10]) -Note: as an example of research application, I would greatly appreciate to invi te you to a further reading of the presentation entitled "Towards a Flow-level N etwork Security System "[11]. III) Open Source For those wishing to experiment with this technology, I would advise the followi ng setup: -HW : Pronto 3290 [12] -Firmware : Pica8 XorPlus 1.1 that includes the L2/L3 management for VLAN, LACP, STP/RSTP, L LDP, OSPF, RIP, static route, PIM-SM, VRRP, IGMP, IGMP Snooping, IPv6, Radius/Ta cacs+ as well as OpenFlow 1.0 (available at later Oct, 2010) [13] -OpenFlow-Controller : Beacon: Java OpenFlow Controller [14] Have a good week-end :) ! I look forward to your answer, Best Regards,
[1] [1]https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B6oJAUODOgEsNDk5ZDMyOTctZDFhNC00NThl LThlYjUtZjc4ZjhhMzUxY2Mx&authkey=CPTO4NMF&hl=en [2] [2]http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/networks/a-radical-new-router/0 [3] [3]http://www.packet.cc/ [4] [4]http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://lib.tkk.fi/Dipl/2010/urn100214.p df [5] [5]http://etna.netlab.tkk.fi/ [6] [6]http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://www.thequilt.net/meetings/GENI%2 0WKSP/GENI%20Workshop%20Presentations/OF-intro-Quilt-workshop%20(new)%20-%2016%2 0July%202010.ppt [7] [7]http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://mvdirona.com/jrh/TalksAndPapers/ JamesHamilton_CleanSlateCTO2009.pdf [8] [8]http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://www.deutsche-telekom-laboratorie s.de/~robert/GENI-Experimenters-Workshop.ppt [9] [9]http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/ wiki/OFIU/iu_openflow-apan.pdf?format%3Draw&pli=1 [10] [10]http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog50/abstracts.php?pt=MTY2OSZuYW5vZzUw &nm=nanog50 [11] [11]https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0AaoJAUODOgEsZGdwY2JiczlfMTEwN2 RyOXAyd2R0&hl=en&authkey=CKCgltYO [12] [12]http://www.prontosys.net/pronto3290.htm [13] [13]http://www.pica8.com [14] [14]https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BxAl_URIEW6dNmE4ZTM5MzUtNTNlZC00Ym Q3LWEyMWEtMjhjN2IxZWM2MzA1&authkey=CPWO_c0M&hl=en Guillaume FORTAINE Tel : +33(0)631092519 Mail : gfortaine@gfortaine.biz __________________________________________________________________ Get your own *free* email address like this one from www.OwnEmail.com References 1. https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B6oJAUODOgEsNDk5ZDMyOTctZDFhNC00NThlLThlYjUtZjc4ZjhhMzUxY2Mx&authkey=CPTO4NMF&hl=en 2. http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/networks/a-radical-new-router/0 3. http://www.packet.cc/ 4. http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://lib.tkk.fi/Dipl/2010/urn100214.pdf 5. http://etna.netlab.tkk.fi/ 6. http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://www.thequilt.net/meetings/GENI%20WK... 7. http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://mvdirona.com/jrh/TalksAndPapers/Jam... 8. http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://www.deutsche-telekom-laboratories.d... 9. http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/OFIU/iu_openflow-apan.pdf?format%3Draw&pli=1 10. http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog50/abstracts.php?pt=MTY2OSZuYW5vZzUw&nm=nanog50 11. https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0AaoJAUODOgEsZGdwY2JiczlfMTEwN2RyOXAyd2R0&hl=en&authkey=CKCgltYO 12. http://www.prontosys.net/pronto3290.htm 13. http://www.pica8.com/ 14. https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BxAl_URIEW6dNmE4ZTM5MzUtNTNlZC00YmQ3LWEyMWEtMjhjN2IxZWM2MzA1&authkey=CPWO_c0M&hl=en

Wow, resorting to using a spoofed email address to propagate your spam, and forget to remove your .sig Some people just don't take a hint, do they? I know which software package I WON'T be recommending to anyone (in fact, quite the opposite!) Ken Matlock Network Analyst Exempla Healthcare (303) 467-4671 matlockk@exempla.org

On 2010-09-24 23:25, Matlock, Kenneth L wrote:
Wow, resorting to using a spoofed email address to propagate your spam, and forget to remove your .sig
Some people just don't take a hint, do they? I know which software package I WON'T be recommending to anyone (in fact, quite the opposite!)
And also, there is a nice agenda item at NANOG50; http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog50/abstracts.php?pt=MTY2OSZuYW5vZzUw&nm=nanog50 8<----------------------------------------------------------------- Track: Open Flow Nick McKeown, Stanford University; Matt Davy, Indiana University Presentation Date: October 4, 2010, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Abstract: OpenFlow: An Update [..] OpenFlow Trials and Deployments ----------------------------------------------------------------->8 Thus as it is a NANOG-ish topic, I wonder why somebody needs to hide. Greets, Jeroen

There is another related item planned for NANOG50: http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog50/abstracts.php?pt=MTYzNSZuYW5vZzUw&nm=nanog50 ----------------------------------------------------------------- An Open-Source Interoperable MPLS LSR Scott Whyte, Google Presentation Date: October 4, 2010, 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Room: Ellington Abstract: We demonstrate a low-cost MPLS LSR capable of forwarding 4x1GE in hardware. It utilizes an open-source implementation of LDP in Quagga, open-source modifications to the Linux kernel to support MPLS, an open-source implementation of an OpenFlow controller modified to support MPLS, and a NetFPGA card as the open platform to program the hardware for MPLS forwarding. ----------------------------------------------------------------- -Christian On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 18:30, Jeroen Massar <jeroen@unfix.org> wrote:
On 2010-09-24 23:25, Matlock, Kenneth L wrote:
Wow, resorting to using a spoofed email address to propagate your spam, and forget to remove your .sig
Some people just don't take a hint, do they? I know which software package I WON'T be recommending to anyone (in fact, quite the opposite!)
And also, there is a nice agenda item at NANOG50;
8<----------------------------------------------------------------- Track: Open Flow Nick McKeown, Stanford University; Matt Davy, Indiana University Presentation Date: October 4, 2010, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Abstract: OpenFlow: An Update [..] OpenFlow Trials and Deployments ----------------------------------------------------------------->8
Thus as it is a NANOG-ish topic, I wonder why somebody needs to hide.
Greets, Jeroen
-- Christian

It could be because his dumb ass got the banhammer from nanog Mods: can you pleeeease get rid of him again? Tammy Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry -----Original Message----- From: Jeroen Massar <jeroen@unfix.org> Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 23:30:55 To: Matlock, Kenneth L<MatlockK@exempla.org> Cc: <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: OpenFlow On 2010-09-24 23:25, Matlock, Kenneth L wrote:
Wow, resorting to using a spoofed email address to propagate your spam, and forget to remove your .sig
Some people just don't take a hint, do they? I know which software package I WON'T be recommending to anyone (in fact, quite the opposite!)
And also, there is a nice agenda item at NANOG50; http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog50/abstracts.php?pt=MTY2OSZuYW5vZzUw&nm=nanog50 8<----------------------------------------------------------------- Track: Open Flow Nick McKeown, Stanford University; Matt Davy, Indiana University Presentation Date: October 4, 2010, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Abstract: OpenFlow: An Update [..] OpenFlow Trials and Deployments ----------------------------------------------------------------->8 Thus as it is a NANOG-ish topic, I wonder why somebody needs to hide. Greets, Jeroen

Which is fine and all (being that it's on-topic). My main beef is that a certain person can't take a hint. Using an 'anonymous' re-mailer to try and get people to read nothing more than copy/paste, and then 5 billion 'references' (most of which use asinine 'docs.google.com' references instead of the actual document) strikes me as unprofessional at the least, if not infantile. I'd have thought he'd have learned the last 50 times he got smacked down for this. But of course, I'm just an ignorant American! :) Ken Matlock Network Analyst Exempla Healthcare (303) 467-4671 matlockk@exempla.org -----Original Message----- From: Jeroen Massar [mailto:jeroen@unfix.org] Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 3:31 PM To: Matlock, Kenneth L Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: OpenFlow On 2010-09-24 23:25, Matlock, Kenneth L wrote:
Wow, resorting to using a spoofed email address to propagate your spam, and forget to remove your .sig
Some people just don't take a hint, do they? I know which software package I WON'T be recommending to anyone (in fact, quite the opposite!)
And also, there is a nice agenda item at NANOG50; http://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog50/abstracts.php?pt=MTY2OSZuYW5vZzUw& nm=nanog50 8<----------------------------------------------------------------- Track: Open Flow Nick McKeown, Stanford University; Matt Davy, Indiana University Presentation Date: October 4, 2010, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Abstract: OpenFlow: An Update [..] OpenFlow Trials and Deployments ----------------------------------------------------------------->8 Thus as it is a NANOG-ish topic, I wonder why somebody needs to hide. Greets, Jeroen

On 2010-09-24 23:41, Matlock, Kenneth L wrote:
Which is fine and all (being that it's on-topic). My main beef is that a certain person can't take a hint. Using an 'anonymous' re-mailer to try and get people to read nothing more than copy/paste, and then 5 billion 'references' (most of which use asinine 'docs.google.com' references instead of the actual document) strikes me as unprofessional at the least, if not infantile.
I'd have thought he'd have learned the last 50 times he got smacked down for this. But of course, I'm just an ignorant American! :)
If you where less ignorant and more ignoring then nobody else would notice it due to their killfiles... aka 'be quiet and the trolls won't have any fun'. The mods are doing quite a fine job already from what I heard, they can't always be on guard though, sometimes they drink a bit too much whiskey ;) Greets, Jeroen

We all would love too but dumba$$ keeps getting new domains & email addresses. I think he ate lead paint as a kid or something. He is absolutly 190% insane Mods:: please show gilliam the door :) Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry -----Original Message----- From: Jeroen Massar <jeroen@unfix.org> Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 23:45:59 To: Matlock, Kenneth L<MatlockK@exempla.org> Cc: <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Re: OpenFlow On 2010-09-24 23:41, Matlock, Kenneth L wrote:
Which is fine and all (being that it's on-topic). My main beef is that a certain person can't take a hint. Using an 'anonymous' re-mailer to try and get people to read nothing more than copy/paste, and then 5 billion 'references' (most of which use asinine 'docs.google.com' references instead of the actual document) strikes me as unprofessional at the least, if not infantile.
I'd have thought he'd have learned the last 50 times he got smacked down for this. But of course, I'm just an ignorant American! :)
If you where less ignorant and more ignoring then nobody else would notice it due to their killfiles... aka 'be quiet and the trolls won't have any fun'. The mods are doing quite a fine job already from what I heard, they can't always be on guard though, sometimes they drink a bit too much whiskey ;) Greets, Jeroen

On 9/24/10 3:10 PM, nanogf . wrote:
Guillaume FORTAINE Tel : +33(0)631092519 Mail : gfortaine@gfortaine.biz
GO AWAY FORTAINE! Geeze, do some people never take the hint? -- Brielle Bruns The Summit Open Source Development Group http://www.sosdg.org / http://www.ahbl.org
participants (6)
Brielle Bruns
Christian Esteve
Jeroen Massar
Matlock, Kenneth L
nanogf .