Hardware for full mesh bgp

In the light of people dicussing the hardware requirements for running full mesh bgp with tcmd5 and minimal filtering I just have to point out what we're doing here currently... 14 OpenBSD developers who hack networking stuff from all over the world have flown in to enjoy 4 days of coding. OF course we are also working on our bgpd. As we're a little low on electrical power here we use a lot of small embedded machines - and I have full mesh bgp sessions on quite some of those, using tcp md5sig sessions of course. check this out: http://somewhere.whereever/pic.jpg that little green box bob and myself are holding in our hands has a full feed. It is a 266 MHz Geode with 128MB RAM working off a CF card. Getting the session established and the full table transferred takes less than 8 seconds...

* Henning Brauer <hb-nanog@bsws.de> [2004-04-25 18:04]:
check this out: http://somewhere.whereever/pic.jpg
eek. that should have been http://misc.bsws.de/img_1001.jpg
participants (1)
Henning Brauer