Re: Pointer to ATM performance work?

Date: Tue, 9 May 95 11:43:58 EDT From: Richard Colella <> To: Subject: Pointer to ATM performance work? Cc:
I seem to remember discussion at one of the meetings of some ATM performance work that looked at the benefits of discarding whole TCP packets when a cell was dropped. Can someone give me a pointer to this?
I recommend the following, for a start: A. Romanow and R. Oskouy, "A performance Enhancement for Packetized ABR and VBR+ Data," ATM Forum/94-0295, March, 1994. [A short proposal that ATM switches implement EPD] A. Romanow, "TCP over ATM: Some Performance Results," ATM Forum/93-784, July, 1993, available via anonymous FTP from: [Primarily background. Says: "We also plan to explore RED..."] A. Romanow, Packet Discard Strategies for Controlling ATM Congestion, ATM Forum/94-0107, January, 1994. ["... Viewgraphs will be distributed at the meeting."] A. Romanow and S. Floyd, "The Dynamics of TCP Traffic over ATM Networks," available via anonymous FTP from: see also .../ [Explores Partial Packet Discard and Early Packet Discard.] S. Floyd and V. Jacobson, "Randor Early Detection Gateways for Congestion Avoidance," IEEE/ATM Trans. on Networking, vol.1 no.4, pp. 29-41, Sept. 1993. [I think this is the original RED paper.] You might also look at: S. Floyd, "TCP and Explicit Congestion Notification," available via anonymous FTP from: Once you have read these, I have a list of more general papers about TCP performance over ATM... -tjs
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