Open Letter from WIPO to the Internet Community

Dear Internet Friends: There has been some discussion in the press and on the public lists concerning the dispute resolution procedures contemplated under the Memorandum of Understanding on the Generic Top Level Domain Name Space of the Internet Domain Name System (gTLD-MoU), and the role of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Arbitration and Mediation Center in administering those procedures. It is clear that the dispute resolution procedures involving trademarks and domain names are of critical interest to domain name holders that are not intellectual property right owners. Concerns about these procedures warrant a direct communication to the Internet community to explain the contemplated dispute resolution procedures and the proposed involvement of WIPO. Accordingly, WIPO has posted an OPEN LETTER to the Internet Community concerning the domain name dispute resolution procedures under the gTLD-MoU. The OPEN LETTER can be found on the WIPO web site, at The gTLD-MoU, draft CORE-MoU, Proposed Substantive Guidelines Concerning Administrative Challenge Panels, and WIPO meeting documents may all be accessed through the WIPO web site ( WIPO welcomes this opportunity to explain the contemplated dispute resolution procedures, and the role of the WIPO Center. Constructive comments concerning the Open Letter and the above-mentioned documents are encouraged, and may be sent to Thank you.
participants (1)
Albert Tramposch