Re: on a different "manners" topic, was Re: Phishing...

Some say that top-posting reverses the conversation, but if you are thumbing through the archives of top-posted threads, each contribution is on the first screen and you can navigate message to message in time-order
Don't include the email you're responding to then it's no longer top posting, plus you can still read the archive easily. Bottom posting is just as bad as top posting when you include the entire message Usually there is no need to include previous emails, it's a waste of space. The only time including the previous emails automatically is good is when you want to see a previous conversation thread before they included you. I see lots of information leakage from Outlook users this way. Is this done now?
As far as the HTML, I don't think I use it, but I fail to see why it's rude.
Next thread, red or blue text? brandon

Hrm. Well, this is the way I see it. (1) Short inline responses which provide context are useful for following a conversation. (2) Anything longer than 1,000 words (including quotations) merits discussion outside of email, such as within a document or on a site which hosts threaded conversations. (3) If it is about how far you can pee, go to the bathroom instead. -- Taran Rampersad "Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo "The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." - Nikola Tesla

why.. do not filter/reject html mails? and end the endless discussions? bye ingo flaschberger geschaeftsleitung --------------------------- netstorage-crossip-flat:fee powered by crossip communications gmbh --------------------------- sebastian kneipp gasse 1 a-1020 wien fix: +43-1-726 15 22-217 fax: +43-1-726 15 22-111 ---------------------------

Don't include the email you're responding to then it's no longer top posting, plus you can still read the archive easily.
It would be nice if mailing list software added the archive URL to all email forwarded. Then people could easily say In you wrote... --Steve Bellovin,
participants (4)
Brandon Butterworth
Ingo Flaschberger
Steven M. Bellovin
Taran Rampersad