I felt there was a hole that needed to be filled as far as searching rfc's from a console. We have whois and nslookup right at our finger tips, why not all the rfc's? :) the util will let you search the rfc-index for a string and return all the related rfc's. You can then throw in a -l switch to view it, or -d to dump it to file for offline viewing. it's made my life easier, so i thought i'd pass it on to the public. if you have problem with a slow web server us the -w and -u options to change and update the servers respectively. I've tested it on all the BSD's w/o a problem but i don't use my sunbox much at all so it has no perl, but i have received mail from some sun users saying it works w/o a problem. One user mentioned that he had to change the calls to egrep to use 'gegrep'. Next release won't use grep's at all so it will be completley portable. any feedback/suggestions are sincerely appreciated. i feel if you're on this list, then you should have this util. http://www.dewn.com/rfc/ happy hacking! -derrick riddlebox:/home/freix/devel/perl$ rfc rfc v1.6: perl util to search the rfc-index and disply the pages with lynx usage: rfc # search rfc-index for specified RFC and list topic rfc -d # /path/ (optional) dumps plain text RFC. default is current dir rfc -e go wild with your own regexp on rfc-index rfc -h displays this stuff rfc -i updates the /etc/rfc-index via lynx rfc -k keyword; same as -s rfc -l # spawns lynx to the specified RFC rfc -s "string" to search for in the index rfc -u # sets the base URL to the number listed with -w rfc -w lists the available webservers to display baseURL=http://www.ietf.org/rfc/ comments/bugfixes mailto: rfc@dewn.com
participants (1)
Derrick Daugherty