MediaCommerce has significant fiber and one of the largest networks within Colombia (not known to many outside of Colombia but those who operate in Colombia know them) and has good eyeball traffic within the country. They keep it local to not boomerang bank to Miami like many. They just installed a 100G POP in our new Tier IV data center in North Bogota, Colombia if you wish to connect with them let me know I can put you in contact with them. __ Manny Vivar HostDime Global Operations manny.v@hostdime.com <mailto:manny.v@hostdime.com> Mobile & WhatsApp: 407.467.2053 Skype: HostDime HostDime Global Corp. | www.hostdime.com <applewebdata://957C3374-181A-408B-BD20-C60548BC2CAB/www.hostdime.com> This E-mail is confidential. It may also be legally privileged. If you are not the addressee you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please delete it and all copies from your system and notify the sender immediately by return E-mail.
On Jul 2, 2022, at 8:00 AM, nanog-request@nanog.org wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Carrier Options in Bogota (nanoguser99) 2. Re: Carrier Options in Bogota (Max Tulyev) 3. Weekly Global IPv4 Routing Table Report (Routing Table Analysis Role Account) 4. Re: Carrier Options in Bogota (John Todd) 5. Re: Carrier Options in Bogota (Rubens Kuhl) 6. Re: Carrier Options in Bogota (nanoguser99) 7. Carrier Options in Bogota (Joel Jaeggli) 8. Annoyed at that change that ARIN made? (fwd: Only One Week Left for Submitting Nominations) (John Curran)
Message: 1 Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 13:47:28 +0000 From: nanoguser99 <nanoguser99@protonmail.com> To: "nanog@nanog.org list" <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: Carrier Options in Bogota Message-ID: <mjXTGh1XwqDO0qLoLb9gQX6bwt9OBWsTbbZMcM2D_OaL0lZfDk9rbFeYisY9CzPOvcQX9FAr0ABgLKGgtTymRomq-qfpUBRIGrwt6j-kkI8=@protonmail.com>
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I need good connectivity to local eyeball networks there. I've explored Cogent, Lumen, and a local clled Telxius and results are all over the map. Is there a provider that's 'well peered' with all the locals? Hoping this formats correctly but here's the results of ping tests on various looking glasses to prefixes of the various locals.
Local Carriers IP Prefix Telxius Lumen Cogent COLOMBIA TELECOMUNICACIONES S.A. ESP 22.025 ms 164ms 115 ms Telmex Colombia S.A. (Claro) 14.319 ms 63ms 115 ms Empresas P?blicas de Medell?n E.S.P. 94.264 ms 126 ms 102 ms Movistar Colombia 38.894 ms 193ms 118 ms ETB - Colombia 5.340 ms 130ms 2.21 ms Columbus Networks Colombia 60.212 ms 99ms 89.8 ms Metrotel Colombia 20.989 ms 148ms 90.5 ms Any advice?
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participants (1)
Manny Vivar