From: briand@fonorola.net (Brian Dickson)
Now, here is exactly what you ought to desire -- an informed customer. Yet, you publically castigate him for asking a mailing list which deals with _exactly_ these technical issues.
My point was, he asked for no detailed technical information from us before his mail to the nanog list. By being more informed to start with, he will be better able to ask questions that will get him somewhere. This list
Actually he reported that he did ask you for information and his take on the information was that it made no sense, hence he asked us...IMHO that's a reasonable thing to do. To me it looks like your trying to spin the event now, this post has a quite different tone and information than the first you made here. It makes it hard to take you seriously...but it was hard to take the whole thing seriously from the first post...it still makes no sense that you won't guarantee routing for him unless he makes you his primary provider. It sounds like you're just trying to tie him up.
Absolutely. We are multiply homed, and would recommend it to any large service provider. Please do not confuse our lack of guarantee for a discouragement.
I don't think that you are effectively...one couldn't count on you unless you were the primary provider. Patrick _______________________________________________________________________ / These opinions are mine, and not Verity's (except by coincidence;). \ | (\ | | Patrick J. Horgan Verity Inc. \\ Have | | patrick@verity.com 1550 Plymouth Street \\ _ Sword | | Phone : (415)960-7600 Mountain View \\/ Will | | FAX : (415)960-7750 California 94303 _/\\ Travel | \___________________________________________________________\)__________/

Actually he reported that he did ask you for information and his take on the information was that it made no sense, hence he asked us...IMHO that's a reasonable thing to do. To me it looks like your trying to spin the event now, this post has a quite different tone and information than the first you made here. It makes it hard to take you seriously...but it was hard to take the whole thing seriously from the first post...it still makes no sense that you won't guarantee routing for him unless he makes you his primary provider. It sounds like you're just trying to tie him up.
He did not deny routing, he denied the availability of providing full routes. There's a difference. If he's getting a connection from Sprintlink, he can only accept the routes that he wants, and can then default through fONOROLA, and thereby load balance. I don't think that looks anything like denial of service. It may not be the preferred method, but it certainly doesn't make them unusable. Dave -- Dave Siegel President, RTD Systems & Networking, Inc. (520)623-9663 Systems Consultant -- Unix, LANs, WANs, Cisco dsiegel@rtd.com User Tracking & Acctg -- "Written by an ISP, http://www.rtd.com/ for an ISP."
participants (2)
Dave Siegel