8th Maryland Workshop on Very High Speed Networks

*************************************************************** 8th Maryland Workshop on Very High Speed Networks November 11-12, 1997 *************************************************************** Maryland Center for Telecommunications Research Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland Baltimore County The Maryland Center for Telecommunications Research (MCTR) at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) will hold the 8th Maryland Workshop on Very High Speed Networks (VHSN '97) on November 11-12 1997 at the UMBC campus. The Workshop will be held in the Ballroom of the University Center on the UMBC campus. The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum where researchers and developers can meet to exchange ideas and report on leading- edge developments in the area of high speed networks. Each of the previous workshops attracted approximately 150 researchers representing academia, industry and government. The two day meeting will include invited speakers and contributed presentations. Papers on selected presentations will appear in a special issue of the Journal of High Speed Networks. A registration fee of $325 will include two lunches and conference proceeding. For questions regarding the technical content of the workshop or giving a presentation, please contact the workshop organizer: Dr. Deepinder Sidhu, Tel: (410) 455-3028 or 3063, Fax: (410) 455-3969, Email: mctr@cs.umbc.edu. Mail checks (payable to University of Maryland Foundation) and registration form to Dr. D. Sidhu, Maryland Center for Telecommunications Research, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250. All funds for this event will be managed by the UM foundation. Please DO NOT include hotel accommodation expenses in your payment for the Workshop Registration. Room payment should be made directly to the hotel you selected for stay. The following hotels are closest to UMBC campus. Some hotels may offer reduced rate. To obtain the reduced rate, you must identify yourself as an attendee of this workshop. BWI Airport is approximately five miles from UMBC Campus. * Sheraton International Hotel - BWI Airport. Closest to airport and UMBC campus. Tel: (410) 859-3300 or (800) 638-5858 * Holiday Inn - BWI Airport. Close to airport and UMBC campus. Tel: (410) 859-8400 or (800) HOLIDAY * Omni Inner Harbor Hotel. Close to Downtown Baltimore/Inner Harbor. About 20 minutes drive to UMBC campus. Tel: (410) 752-1100 or (800) 843-6664 For more information on the workshop and directions to UMBC, check our home page on WWW (http://www.mctr.umbc.edu) --------------------------------------------------------------- VHSN '97 REGISTRATION FORM (November 11-12, 1997) Name: Affiliation: Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Dietary Restrictions: Vegetarian ------ Kosher -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Account of Maryland Center for Telecommunications Research