New Template.gate form available on

Regional-techs, Greetings. There is a spiffy new template.gate form appended below for your convenience. It is available on via anonymous ftp in the nsfnet/announced.networks directory. It is dated May 22, 1992 (version 3.2) and erases some of the ambiguity of the previous version while maintaining the old esoteric lameness. Enjoy! -B. Sue Blair Merit / NSFNET --------------- [] Version 3.2 22 May 1992 NSFNET Configuration Request Template for the NSFNET policy-based routing data base ---- EGP/BGP Peer Change Request ---- This template is to request announcement of EGP/BGP peers to the NSFNET backbone. Configuration requests may only be submitted by the designated routing contacts for the Autonomous Systems of the NSFNET. Configuration requests should be submitted to Please read the explanation at the bottom of this form if you are unfamiliar with its contents. --------------------------------- CUT HERE ----------------------------------- ---- EGP/BGP Peer Change Request ---- Router Internet Address: Router Internet Name: Router AS Number: Is this a new AS (y/n): (If so, please fill out a form as well) ENSS and/or NSS number colocated with router: Router physical location (if different than ENSS/NSS): Should BGP1, BGP2, or EGP be used: For BGP1 only: linktype H or D: EGP metric out (T1 default=128 / T3 default=127): BGP metric out (T1 default=128 / T3 default=127): Router Type/Manufacturer: Software Version: Addition, Deletion or Change?(A/D/C): Additional Comments (optional): --------------------------------- CUT HERE ----------------------------------- ***************************************************************************** EXAMPLE: Suppose a New Cisco HyBridge with the Internet address and the domain name NSFNET-GW.MERIT.EDU should be co-located with NSS 17 (Ann Arbor), running BGP as using the Autonomous System number 233. It should not receive routing information from the DDN/MILNET (AS 164 and AS 184) and its own routed should not be advertised into AS 177. Their EGP/BGP peer change request would be filled in as follows: ---- EGP/BGP Peer Change Request ---- Router Internet Address: Router Internet Name: NSFNET-GW.MERIT.EDU Router AS Number: 233 Is this a new AS (y/n): n ENSS and/or NSS number colocated with router: NSS17 Router physical location (if different than ENSS/NSS): Should BGP1, BGP2, or EGP be used: BGP1 For BGP1 only: linktype D or H: H EGP metric out (T1 default=128 / T3 default=127): BGP metric out (T1 default=128 / T3 default=127): Router Type/Manufacturer: Cisco HyBridge Software version: 8.1 Addition, Deletion or Change?(A/D/C): A Additional Comments (optional): ----------------------------------------------------------- Configurations installations are performed Tuesday and Friday morning from 05:00-08:00 Eastern time, so some instability on the backbones may be experienced during this window. Requests for the Tuesday morning config window should be submitted to nsfnet-admin by noon Monday. Requests for the Friday morning config window should be submitted by noon Thursday. To get a current listing of nodes and node numbers on the T1 and T3 backbone, you can anonymous ftp to, cd to /nsfnet/ announced.networks and get the file handy.node.list.
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