RE: California power ... unplugged.

From: Subodh Nijsure [] Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 11:17 AM
Oh come on you are falling for media spin put out by the politicians.
And if you think you don't like clean air take a trip to China or India which have 1/10th amount of cars compared to US and see what happens when nobody pays attention to environmental regulations. Then you will
Actually, most of the media spin does not bring up these issues. In fact, these points are conspicuously absent. They completely glossed over the impact of the Cal Clean Air Act. On your other point, I invite you to note the name of my company and visit my about page. thank
the so called "enviro-nazis".
I never said that I don't like clean air :). What I hoped the article pointed out was the conflicts between rabid enviro-nazis, no-nukes folks, and California energy needs. Yes, the Sierra Club supported the California Clean Air Act (CCAA). This is probably the most draconian, uncompromising, environmental measure that has ever been passed into law, IMHO. They celebrated when it was passed. Yet, they took no stance on energy deregulation until well after the fact, when it was too late. They helped create the quandry we are in today. That was my point. -- ROELAND M.J. MEYER Managing Director Morgan Hill Software Company, Inc. TEL: +001 925 373 3954 FAX: +001 925 373 9781 mailto:
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Roeland Meyer