Canada - Land of ice and snow (was RE: California power ... unplugged)

I recall 3.2 million people losing power, some for over a month, a few years ago in Canada. Canadians were importing and stealing backup generators from the states so fast, Customs Canada still doesn't know how many generators crossed the border. The rotating blackouts in California are annoying, but generally don't last more than 2 hours for any individual customer. If only someone could teach California drivers to stop at a blacked out stoplight. On Sun, 29 April 2001, Randy Neals wrote:
I don't think we are stupid....
We are the ones building Internet Data Centers in a place that has lots of cheap and environmentally friendly Hydro-Electric power.

I recall 3.2 million people losing power, some for over a month, a few years ago in Canada. Canadians were importing and stealing backup generators from the states so fast, Customs Canada still doesn't know how many generators crossed the border.
sean. that was a serious natural disaster. i mean if a tidal wave crushed california, you wouldn't use it as a point of comparison. for what its worth, i was in montreal the whole duration of the ice storm and we got hit worse then anyone else .. i didn't lose power once. it was all a matter of which trees froze, knocked over what powerlines and the like. i even do recall having internet access. when the "great earthquake" finally hits, we'll see how well those seismically braced racks et al will hold up. -ken harris.

Sean, Not surprisingly, the same event affected Maine. The lines to Washington country went down under load, and tree damage in the Lewiston-Auburn to Augusta to Belfast was so pervasive that power restoration took an average of two weeks. I lived in Belfast, ours was down for 17 days. The icing was worse in Southern Quebec. Thanks for the reminder of the month when people shared. I benefited by a cord of wood from my neighbor. As for the environmentally friendly label on hydro-power, I trust Randy is not referring to Hydro-Quebec power, or at least not hydro-power that has a cost of mercury uptake in Cree communities in Northern Quebec. Oh, pro-nuke raving and so forth isn't one of this lists stronger points. Eric
participants (3)
Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
ken harris.
Sean Donelan