FCC proposes V-Chip for computers, from Time/Netly News

THE V CHIP, COMING TO A COMPUTER NEAR YOU Time Magazine November 3, 1997 Page 36 If you hated the idea of a V chip in your television, wait until you hear that the government wants to install one in your computer. TIME has learned that the FCC has proposed that new PCs be outfitted with a V chip to filter out video violence and sex. Still unclear is what Net broadcasts could be affected. The idea alarms free-speech advocates, who wonder why Americans need a Net-nanny. "What you get is a devolution of the First Amendment," argues lawyer Bob Corn-Revere. FCC chairman REED HUNDT says the high-tech industry can "be part of the process" as the agency sets rules. There's a low-tech alternative: the off switch. --By Declan McCullagh/Washington ********** For details check out the Netly News (netlynews.com) at: http://cgi.pathfinder.com/netly/opinion/0,1042,1528,00.html -Declan
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Declan McCullagh