Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database

The following additions have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00 EST: Total configured networks: 9349 IP address Net name Country Date Priority:AS ---------- -------- ------- ---- ----------- 131.241 NECAM C:US D:02/22/93 1:200 2:201 137.28 UWEC C:US D:02/22/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 156.151 PORTAL-B C:US D:02/22/93 1:200 2:201 160.107 NAVAIRHQ-NET C:US D:02/22/93 1:19 2:568 162.127 NEBNET C:US D:02/22/93 1:1800 2:1240 192.32.253 WELLFLEET-TMP-1 C:US D:02/23/93 1:560 2:281 192.54.253 TCLARINET C:US D:02/22/93 1:200 2:201 192.86.119 NCMBRLNDNET1 C:US D:02/22/93 1:19 2:568 192.104.19 INDIANANET C:US D:02/22/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225 192.138.203 TITAN-ABQ2 C:US D:02/22/93 1:209 2:210 192.156.218 NWNEXUS-NETC C:US D:02/22/93 1:1331 192.203.238 MS-NET C:US D:02/22/93 1:174 192.207.46 NWNEXUS-NET2-46 C:US D:02/22/93 1:1331 192.207.47 NWNEXUS-NET2-47 C:US D:02/22/93 1:1331 192.215.12 NETBLK-CERFNET-12 C:US D:02/23/93 1:1740 192.233.10 ROSAPARKS C:US D:02/22/93 1:560 2:281 5:701 192.239.30 GIT-SUB15 C:US D:02/22/93 1:279 2:86 192.239.48 ADVANTIS C:US D:02/22/93 1:279 2:86 198.22.28 DISA-PAC C:US D:02/22/93 1:19 2:568 198.51.249 SKID-NET C:US D:02/22/93 1:1331 198.67.1 GRNLNK C:US D:02/22/93 1:1800 2:1240 198.67.64 USIABLK01 C:US D:02/22/93 1:1800 2:1240 Network IP: 131.241 Network Name: NECAM Location: NEC America Inc., Transmission Development Division, 110 Rio Robles, San Jose, CA 95134, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 137.28 Network Name: UWEC Location: University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 156.151 Network Name: PORTAL-B Location: Portal Communications Company, 20863 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 200, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 160.107 Network Name: NAVAIRHQ-NET Location: Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters, Room JP-1, Washington, DC 20361, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 162.127 Network Name: NEBNET Location: State of Nebraska, Division of Communications, P. O. Box 83111, Lincoln, NE 68501, USA Country Code: US 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific Network IP: 192.32.253 Network Name: WELLFLEET-TMP-1 Location: Wellfleet Communications Inc., 15 Crosby Drive, Bedford, MA 01730, USA Country Code: US 1:560 NEARnet Regional Network 2:281 NEARnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.54.253 Network Name: TCLARINET Location: ClariNet Communications Corp., 1113 Lochinvar Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.86.119 Network Name: NCMBRLNDNET1 Location: Army Information Systems Command, New Cumberland Army Depot, Attn: ASQNC-DN-RP, Building 54, Bay 2, Computer Room, New Cumberland, PA 17070-5006, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.104.19 Network Name: INDIANANET Location: State of Indiana, Information Services Division, RM 1004, 100 N. Senate, Indianapolis, IN 46204, USA Country Code: US 1:267 CICNET at UIUC 2:266 CICNET at MERIT 3:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs Network IP: 192.138.203 Network Name: TITAN-ABQ2 Location: Titan Corporation, 2340 Alamo SE, #300, Albuquerque, NM 87106, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 192.156.218 Network Name: NWNEXUS-NETC Location: Northwest Nexus Inc., P.O. Box 40597, Bellevue, WA 98015-4597, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.203.238 Network Name: MS-NET Location: Micro Sage Software, 130 South First Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.207.46 Network Name: NWNEXUS-NET2-46 Location: Northwest Nexus Inc., P.O. Box 40597, Bellevue, WA 98015-4597, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.207.47 Network Name: NWNEXUS-NET2-47 Location: Northwest Nexus Inc., P.O. Box 40597, Bellevue, WA 98015-4597, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.215.12 Network Name: NETBLK-CERFNET-12 Location: CERFnet, 3550 General Atomics Court, San Diego, CA 92121, USA Country Code: US 1:1740 CERFnet Network IP: 192.233.10 Network Name: ROSAPARKS Location: Graham And Parks School, 15 Upton Road, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Country Code: US 1:560 NEARnet Regional Network 2:281 NEARnet Regional Network 5:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.239.30 Network Name: GIT-SUB15 Location: Georgia Institute of Technology, Office of Computing Services, 258 4th Street, Rich Building, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA Country Code: US 1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park) Network IP: 192.239.48 Network Name: ADVANTIS Location: Advantis, 3101 West Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Tampa, FL 33607, USA Country Code: US 1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park) Network IP: 198.22.28 Network Name: DISA-PAC Location: The Defense Information Systems Agency, DISA/DSSO/JCLCC, Room BF655A, The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.51.249 Network Name: SKID-NET Location: Gary Byers, P.O. Box 4037, Seattle, WA 98104, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 198.67.1 Network Name: GRNLNK Location: MaxCom, 275 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02154, USA Country Code: US 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific Network IP: 198.67.64 Network Name: USIABLK01 Location: US Information Agency Computer Center, 330 Independence Ave. SW, Room G720, Washington, DC 20547, USA Country Code: US 1:1800 ICM-Atlantic 2:1240 ICM-Pacific ***************************************************************** The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be available for anonymous ftp on by 08:00 EST: configuration reports -- networks sorted by AS -- nets.as_<AS number> NSS routing software configuration files -- nss<NSS number>.t3p Please send all requests for configuration changes to using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line from the machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files, template.gate, and ******************************* --Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET --Riaz Taherzadeh-Yazdian NSFNET/ANSNET
participants (1)
Steven K. Widmayer