Re: May COOK Report Published tonight (fwd)

Karl: if the preponderence of the membership feels the same way as you do we'll obviously not pursue this approach. What are your thoughts on the alternative approach of simply enhancing existing InterNIC operations through supplementary funding, e.g., from CIX, ISOC, etc. thanks Bob Collet
I hope this is a road they never try to go down.
Joseph Stroup
On Sun, 30 Apr 1995, Michael Dillon wrote:
I wonder how many of you have heard about the CIX plans to become THE Internet routing arbiter and in other ways replace the former NSFNet? Is there any serious possibility of their plans coming to fruition?
This is a road that, should the CIX attempt to travel, it will be met with extremely high resistance from people like myself.
You don't even want to think about the restraint of trade issues if a trade association tries to set itself up as a RA or NIC and demands money for membership to receive those services.
-- -- Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - The Finest Internet Connectivity Modem: [+1 312 248-0900] | (shell, PPP, SLIP, leased) in Chicagoland Voice: [+1 312 248-8649] | 7 POPs online through Chicago, all 28.8 Fax: [+1 312 248-9865] | Email to "" for more information ISDN: Surf at Smokin' Speed | WWW:, gopher:

On Mon, 1 May 1995, Robert Collet wrote:
if the preponderence of the membership feels the same way as you do we'll obviously not pursue this approach. What are your thoughts on the alternative approach of simply enhancing existing InterNIC operations through supplementary funding, e.g., from CIX, ISOC, etc.
Bob Collet
Its simple, get out of the routing business. Get out of the Cloud business, get out of anything but, the lobby business. Look at that deal in Washington State ! The CIX , totally focused on being a trade org. may very well have been able to do something about such actions. Alot of people agree that there is a real need for a good org. to represent the Internet providers. Waiting until June to talk about such matter in sunny Hawaii is a lifetime in this business. RBOC's fighting daily to get in to the LD business ,,, Sprint sure is heck is spending $$$ with all the right groups to make sure they come out with their fair share. So why should the internet be any different ? Bob, People don't trust the Cix. That could always change. Continue to block routes, run a router, talk of being an RA , Why not a focus on the Capital Hill area and forget the rest of the nonsense ? As for the router of last resort, I would say sell it to the highest bidder. Before you do, have all members sign it. After all alot of them have had their hands on it / in it. J stroup
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